Tuesday, January 1, 2013

RIP TO TIDUS....may he run free...we love you!

TRAGIC TRAGIC NEWS....poor little Tidus has died. His killers remain free and its been reported that they are still going around hurting other animals. I for one, want to see these teenagers caught and severely punished for their inhumanity and crime. Tidus we love you...we will never forget you. Many thanks to Viktor Larkhill and all his wonderful Team for doing all you could to help him!
PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS >> http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2013/01/01/tidus-has-died/ PLEASE JOIN THIS CAUSE- http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus SIGN AND SHARE HIS PETITION >> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117 For those of you who have not been following Tidus' story ..here are the links. Links: http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2012/11/27/tidus-a-dog-burnt-alive-by-teenage-criminals-fights-for-his-life/ https://www.facebook.com/LetsAdoptGlobal


  1. This is so sad poor little Tidus fought so hard and suffered so needlessly. I truly hope they they catch the individuals that did this and they are punished to fit the crime. RIP poor little Tidus.

    1. For those of you who have not been following Tidus' story ..here are the links.
      Links: http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2012/11/27/tidus-a-dog-burnt-alive-by-teenage-criminals-fights-for-his-life/

      PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

    2. you will bawl your eyes out. I have followed Tidus since he got to Let's Adopt Global. I will never forget this little fighter and the extent of the abuse this fella suffered.. I love you Tidua, you are in my heart.

    3. Rest in peace, Tidus. Your beautiful soul shall live on. There is a special place in hell for the people that caused you this pain and ultimately, your death.

    4. Oh my, I am so sad to hear that Tidus has crossed the bridge. That poor baby fought so hard. Well your suffering is over now sweet boy. I hope you run free forever. We WILL catch those responsible for your crime and others and one way or another they will be brought to justice!!!

    5. Many thanks for all your comments.

  2. So sorry for all your suffering. RIP Tidus you had the most adorable face.


      PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

    2. God bless you, sweet Tidus. And God bless Dr Larkhill, his veterinary team, and Tidus' owner. Deepest of sympathy to you all. To hiis killers, you can run, but you can't hide. Someday, you will surely have to pay for your sins. I hope justice is swift and fitting. How dare you...how could you... this is a very sad day

  3. RIP poor little Tidus. So sorry we couldn't save you. It breaks my heart. We will not rest until justice is served.


      PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  4. He is in a better world now.

    May the vermin who did this be caught, and what they did to Titus be done unto them.

    1. For those of you who have not been following Tidus' story ..here are the links.
      Links: http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2012/11/27/tidus-a-dog-burnt-alive-by-teenage-criminals-fights-for-his-life/

      PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

    2. Que cette bande de salopards meurent de la même façon et continuent à brûler en enfer.
      Mon petit Tidus repose toi de ton combat au paradis auprès de Dieu et après tu pourras courir et jouer avec tous les anges.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the passing away of lovely Tidus. I hope the catch the Motherfuckers who did this to him.

    1. http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus

  6. RIP poor Tidus. You fought so hard. Heartfelt thanks to all who tried to help him. And may those who tortured him burn in hell.

    1. For those of you who have not been following Tidus' story ..here are the links.
      Links: http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2012/11/27/tidus-a-dog-burnt-alive-by-teenage-criminals-fights-for-his-life/

      PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

    2. Any details on the exact cause of death, as it has been a few weeks since his treatments started. The last updates had reported he was doing quite well. Just wondering....

      Tidus, you put up a valiant fight to live. We will never forget you...

    3. hi..im going to hazard a guess here and say..Tidus must have succumbed to a post op infection?? ...i will update when i am able to with more information- thankyou.


  7. PETITION LINK>> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  8. so sorry for you sweet baby, may you run pain free ,sweet boy!

  9. Bless your continued journey preciousTidus♥♥♥

  10. We don't punish any longer. This is the problem. This type of evil deserves a special punishment. If and when they catch this group of inhumane garbage, please allow the body populus of animal lovers to mete out the proper punishment. This makes me so angry. Does anyone on here live in the area? If so, please get in touch with me at the following address: it.messiah@verizon.net. I would like to gather some info and possibly get involved in trying to catch this trash.

  11. An eye for an eye...this is a living, breathing life, anyone who can do this will undoubtedly continue to do more and more harm to others & animals alike. Our justice system is a joke, there isn't any fear, reinstate letting the punishment fit the crime.

  12. RIP Tidus you sure put up a good fight lil guy :( Run happy n free in the land where you will be loved by everyone you see <3
    God will punish those that did this I pray til my end :(

  13. I would also like to thank the staff at Let's Adopt! Global for all the special treatment and care you give to these otherwise helpless animals. Please NEVER stop what you do!!! GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU <3

  14. RIP sweet Tidus. To be honest, I am getting tired of reading stories like that of Tidus. I want to resign from the human race. There are many many good people. But it seems like evil is winning. Too many stories like this one. Sad sad sad.

    1. Well if it helps in anyway,I feel the same each time I see this horrible nasty cruelty in front of me,& I question every time, &am in constant disbelief how some one can do what they do, & know that they are going to do something, I can't just get my head round, how someone can look into the eyes of these innocent lives and not see what I see, then just her the pain they suffer. So, ive chose rather than to associate myself with these beings & go on beating myself up why I can't understand they have true lack of Emotion & Empathy / Compassion for anything else & basically, it is a split going in the brain / personalities,. containing Narcississm which means they are SELF OBSESSED / &THINK OF THEIR OWN GRATIFICATION BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE....I think there are many full blown ones out there and many who are not far off......I think now, that, that is the Human Race....the majority......US, the kind ones, I choose not to associate us in that group, &we don't have to try & come to terms with the horror they act out, because they are not like us, never will be, they are the Human Race, but a race that we not fully created, have not advanced in their higher levels of compassion, logic or strength and determination to save the world....the innocent....they are themselves victims.....we are not, we are the warriors of our time & I think, we are specially born with these extra abilities to care and help others.......we are the minority & I'd like to think we have a purpose, we are the chosen ones in some way.....and it's down to us to serve & carry out what we were sent to do........I hate to have to think that anyone is not my equal.....but it as i see it a fact they are not....even the Government don't fit into our special unit....we are Human, but in a most advanced and perfected way,and we are fuelled by the heart and mind and we overcome our fears and distress at the cruelty we see, because we can, and we can go on facing it to stop it one.....One Sweet Day....so don't give up Special One, you now know you're on a mission, and we all fight for the same team, and that's true.....that has to be a good thing in such a terrible world & how terrible these others rule it.....we have to build our army& bring in those who are unsure of which side is which....we can only get stronger....Bless you all .....I hope this has cheered you up some x

  15. jane and others, I read the news about Tidus only an hour after it was posted (with already over 600 comments! Oh how was he loved). Viktor did post a comment saying that Tidus couldn't snap out of the catabolic state he was in and he died before new years hit but he held off posting so that people could enjoy their new years eve. :( I cried for hours in the early morning, just hurt me to the core. But I thought I'd post to those who were as shocked as I and wondering what happened.

    1. hi, thankyou so much for your comments Joanne. I wish i had more info to share. The whole story is totally shocking.

  16. Rest in peace sweet boy,I hated to post that he should be put to heavenly sleep but his burns were so extensive and I know he was in unbearable pain.he came so far and fraught a good fight! May he forever run in fields over the rainbow bridge. My heart is filled with sorrow but I know he is not in pain and in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father .as far as the wicked scum who did this I swear as sure as I am writing this karma is a fact, they will get their pay back one way or another and if not in this life ,the next.the lord says ( Justus is mine says The Lord and I WILL REPAY) i am sure nothing we could do to them can compare with what they have in store.thank you to the dr.s and staff that took such loving care of him and every one that loves and prayed for tidus

    1. 6600 SIGNATURES ON TIDUS' PETITION NOW...have you signed? http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  17. I have cried learning that poor little Titus passed,it is so sad he did not deserve what happened to him, but then that is another country "Spain" so laws are different. I love my dog so much she is a part of our family. Hurting her is tantamount to hurting one of my human children and I don't know what I would do if someone hurt either one of them. He is such a little sweetie - I do hope for the sake of other little animals and other humans that they catch the persons responsible for this and soon. While God does not say in his word specifically about what happens to his creation /(animals) he does give instruction that we are to care for them.

  18. RIP Tidus. I am sorry you had to endure the pain while you were on earth. May God give you eternal bliss.

    Thank you Doc and team for all off your help. May these hoodlums be caught and and executed to the full extent!

    1. 6600 SIGNATURES ON TIDUS' PETITION NOW...have you signed? http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  19. On the last video that was posted of Tidus I saw his sweet little face and saw how very very tired he was. Then I thought: this should be the end. And although I'm crying my eyes out I feel that LAG did right to give him rest. I heard that those criminals have burnt already three more dogs; when will this end?

    1. 6600 SIGNATURES ON TIDUS' PETITION NOW...have you signed? http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  20. Rest in peace. I know there is no pain where you are.

  21. 6600 SIGNATURES ON TIDUS' PETITION NOW...have you signed? http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  22. May you rest in peace, sweet guy. You captured to love of everyone who has followed you thanks to Ivan and his staff. My Wagner, Tasha and Satch were undoubtedly in Heaven waiting to welcome you in you Heavenly home. Know that we love you!

  23. what are the actual details of why he died? It's not on the blog.
    I've signed the petition

    1. PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS >> http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2013/01/01/tidus-has-died/ PLEASE JOIN THIS CAUSE- http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus SIGN AND SHARE HIS PETITION >> http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117 For those of you who have not been following Tidus' story ..here are the links. Links: http://blog.myletsadopt.com/2012/11/27/tidus-a-dog-burnt-alive-by-teenage-criminals-fights-for-his-life/ https://www.facebook.com/LetsAdoptGlobal

  24. Tidus, may you be remembered forever. I would like to know exactly what it is that excites, thrills, laughs, and gloats at the purposeful torture and pain inflicted on innocence. What can it possibly be that drives people to do this except sociopathy? There can't be THAT many sociopaths among us. Or are there?

  25. RIP sweet Tidus, the love of so many wonderful people accompany you. May the bright light guide you path to pure land.

  26. RIP sweet baby Tidus. I had so hoped you would pull through and live a happier, carefree life. It horrifies me that people can be so cruel to such innocent, trusting creatures and i hope they are caught and punished. Run free, sweet boy. I won't forget the fight you fought.

    Here is a site to do so>>
    http://www.eyeonspain.com/ - http://www.causes.com/causes/809310-justice-for-tidus/actions/1721117

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Please help me in contacting Valencia Protection for Animal Org to see if they can help or direct us to more contacts..Animal

    Please contact MAYOR RITA BARBERA
    Inicio - Rita Barberá

    Ask these people what is being done about the act of cruelty committed on Tidus in Valencia. Are there any possible leads to the names of the Teenagers who did this vile cruel act?
    MANY THANKS to everyone who joins with me to demand JUSTICE FOR TIDUS!

  30. Bless his little heart. He was a brave dog and he tried his best... like the helpers who did not give up on him. Now lets hope his legacy is more dogs getting help and second chances. Its more than some humans get... Bless U and we will help the next Tidus whatever their name is when they need help. Viktor and the team are Angels of mercy and thanks to the Vet team for trying their best. Posting after New Years was probably a good idea. Hugz.

  31. http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ritabarbera.com%2Finicio.html&act=url

    to translate the Mayors webpage to English if you didnt know how to do that. Google is your friend... ;-) You can email her. I just did.

  32. UPDATE..UPDATE...please read and share ...
    this news comes via- AMPARO FORTEA!

    My name is Amparo Fortea, and I´m part of the board of directors of MODEPRAN (Animal protection org of Valencia) that was responsable for finding TIDUS, until "LET´S ADOPT" was so nice enough to take care of all "TIDUS" medical care.
    We are so gratefull for that. We have a "manifestation" this saturday to protest about what happend to "TIDUS" and claim responsabilities and justice so this will never happen again. Thank you so much for all your support, it really means alot for us. Good luck with all your noble causes and please contact me at my email vicepresidencia@modepran.com if you need anything. (svpap.com) is no longer.
    Now it´s www.modepran.com
    All my best.

    Tidus death was not in vain...
    His life and plea inspired thousands to rally to protect those in need.
    He also saved many lives, and afforded others the chance to receive medical treatment when noone else would help...
    Please read this post and you will understand the extent we will go to protect this legacy...

