Monday, January 21, 2013

PLEASE HELP GUS...victim of a shooting!

Boy's pet dog shot in the face at close range, donations sought..

A dog who wandered off his property and onto a neighbor’s was critically wounded when the neighbor chose to shoot the animal in the face at close range with a .22 caliber rifle. 

The dog’s owner, who asked to remain nameless, was willing to surrender the dog for vet care under the guise of anonymity, according to Operation Warm and Cozy (OWC) director Julie Tripodi. “A friend of the family contacted me on Sunday, Jan. 20 to ask if I could assist in any way,” said Tripodi. “The dog is the pet of a 13-year-old New Philadelphia boy and his mother said she was not going to seek treatment for the dog. The boy is unable to pay for vet care himself and I wasn’t just going to let the dog die out there.”

Because the incident took place outside the city limits and the dog was on private property, the shooter did not break any laws, according to Tripodi. “What I don’t get is why he wouldn’t just call the sheriff,” said Tripodi. “To wound a non-threatening dog and just leave it to die is incomprehensible.”

The dog, named Gus, is a 2-year-old German Shepherd brindle boxer mix and has not eaten since Friday. “He is in pain and suffering,” said Tripodi. “I hope my efforts to save him are enough.”

Operation Warm and Cozy is a 501c3 nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to animals and pet owners in need. In addition to emergency intervention and care, they house abused, neglected and owner-surrendered dogs for as long as they need refuge before adoption at their no-kill sanctuary. They can be contacted by phone at 330-364-7190.

1 comment:

  1. Shame on Gus' so-called "mother" for turning her back on her son's precious pet! How would this insensitive and heartless woman like it if some psychopath shot her directly in the face, and her OWN mother refused to seek treatment for her?? DAMN SOME PEOPLE!! :(
