Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Healthy guide dog killed and buried with blind US woman to fulfill her final wish..

Healthy guide dog killed and buried with blind US woman to fulfill her final wish.

A blind woman who died has reportedly had her final wish granted - her healthy guide dog has been killed and buried with her.
Indiana Fox affiliate WTHI-TV reported that Shelia Stadler, who died of cancer on March 8, requested her service dog Toffee be euthanized and placed at her feet when she was buried. 
The story was first published on the WTHI-TV website but has since been taken down by the station's management. 
While a WTHI staffer confirmed the news organisation had pulled the story from its website, it is unclear of the reason behind that decision. 
An email to the station's general manager Todd Weber was unanswered at the time of publication. 
The station reported that Ms Stadler's family had the dog put down and displayed in her coffin at the 68-year-old's funeral viewing.

OPINIONS HERE...what do you think about this? I personally think that the killing of the dog was a nasty decision.
This dog could have been given over to a new owner surely? 


  1. I'm glad she's dead! I could see burying the dog after it's natural death. She obviously didn't love her dog and her family is just as f'd up for actually killing a living being

    1. I would want to know more information before making a final decision.!~! I wouldn't say she didn't love her dog, she loved it too much.!~!~! The thing is she had cancer & I'm sure wasn't totally thinking straight.!~! It says that the dog was but they didn't say how old it was.!~!~! If the dog was extremely old & would have died in the next year or so then I don't see it as really wrong.!~!~! It is also possible that she had the dog so long that it had bonded with her & wouldn't go with another person.!~!~! Sometimes if a dog is with a person for so long it becomes a one person dog.!~! It might have been so depressed that it wouldn't work with a different person.!~!~! We don't have all of the facts so I don't think we can judge her or her family.!~!~! When my mother-in-law died we had her cat put to sleep & buried with her.!~! The thing is that the only person who could do anything with it was her.!~!~! The car was very, very mean & would bite & claw anyone else.!~!~! Even the vet had to gas it a little bit before they could take it out of the carrier because it was so mean.!~!~! We had no other choice.!~!~! So as I said don't judge until you have all of the facts.!~!~!

    2. It was evil to demand another life be taken unnecessarily. Selfish. Just selfish. Another commenter said that perhaps the dog was older and suffering from its own ailments possibly (the article does not make mention of any such thing, so who knows), but I doubt if the dog might still have been in use as a service dog if that was the case. Again, we don't know any facts about the dog's health, but based on the information available, that dog may not only have had a full, healthy, and happy life still ahead of it, but may have aided another person in need. Just wrong.

    3. Here in the Uk Guide dogs are provided, by Guide dogs for the blind, and so this would not have been allowed to occur here, thank goodness, also most vets here, would never agree to put a healthy dog to sleep for these reasons.
      I could have understood, if it had been a severely elderly dog, who had never been parted from its owner, but even then, most dogs adapt well to a loving home. This is just plain wrong

    4. they never should have allowed this to happen and should be punished for it.

    5. I complete agree with you Marilyn, I am an animal lover and my dogs are my family. I often worry would they be separated and where would they go if something happened to me. It is so easy to sit back and judge but I know first hand of many owners who died and their families would not/could not take the pet(s) and dropped them off at the shelter to be put down. We dont know enough about the situation to have a real valid opinion sorry. and again I am the first one to jump up on a soap box when I see any kind of animal abuse so Im certainly not luke warm on this topic. If my dogs were say 14 yrs old and I was on my deathbead with no one to look after this bonded pair I would consider doing the same. 14 year old dogs are not easy to look after and require great patience,If I had no one to trust to do what they needed I would take them with me, I have seen first hand what can happen to the pet of a cedeased person, even a service dog. Its very sad all around.

    6. I wish to express my appreciation to Marilyn Wagner for sharing important, relative truths, experiences. She shed lights on some likely possibilities. I agree, the woman loved her dog, very much, and that perhaps, the dog could have been diagnosed as dysfunctional w/o her, to the point of complete and total misery. I do know that it is a fact, that dogs need love to survive. Perhaps, he would have died anyway, having lost her 'loving devotion', and died a slower, more difficult death. I am unwilling to cast a vote against the action, without the total facts revealed. I will add, my own mother asked for her cat to be 'put to sleep' when she was dying, . . but I could not do it. I found a nice home for her, as she was so beautiful, healthy, and 'lovable'. I believed the cancer had my mother not thinking as she would have, under healthy circumstances, the cancer having gone to her brain.

    7. I agree. She could have brain mets from her cancer, and she could have made a poor decision. Herr grieving family might not have wanted to go against her wishes, or they are just uninformed. I do believe she loved her dog dearly, and for whatever reason, she couldn't make the decision to give the dog a chance for a long life serving someone else. It's too bad. What's worse, it's too bad this is has gotten so much attention.


    9. Are you fucking serious??? So to that end, if you were old or mean or depressed over the loss of a loved one and/or MIGHT pass away in the next year or so, then someone should kill you? Wow, you really have no respect or value for life in general, do you? How about showing the poor dog and cat some real love and compassion and helping them get through their losses like any caring person would. We are all capable of loving more than one being in our lives, and we are all capable of coming through major losses. When the time is right we will all meet again. ONLY when someone is extremely sick and suffering in pain from said illness should a decision ever be considered.
      You did have a choice. You chose wrong.

    10. I agree. This dog should have been allowed to help someone else for as long as she could and then allowed to retire to live a life of ease until her time to go. This woman was a selfish witch and her family was just as bad. This is horrible!!. Guide dogs are trained and are not nasty and mean. This woman and her family will PAY for what they did to this poor unselfish, wonderful creature!!!!

    11. I don't think that we can't judge her. And I think that she thought that she wanted the dog to be with her in the afterlife. That pet was so important to her, and her family loved and respected her. I don't think we can judge this situation as outsiders.


  2. Disgusting, how about having her family put down to so they can be buried with her!

    1. Very good one.. After all the money not to mention the time it took to train the dog, the selfish bitch had the nerve to have it put down rather than give it back to have another person share the dog is plain stupid. Says a lot for the justice system.. Shame on the Judge for allowing this to happen and shame on the family.

    2. I totaly agree with the two of you. What a horrible, selfish act of the woman and her family! Maybe she WOULD have to had her family put down with her,....had they no voice!! Animals have no voice!!! As for loving it too much????!!!! Sorry,but I don't buy that!! When you truly love an animal, you want it to be happy and live out the life that God has given to it. YOU DON'T HAVE IT KILLED!! Shame on this woman,....shame on this family!

    3. Wow! After reading all these hateful comments about something that you have no details on...and you're probably all "good Christians" who attend church each week(!), I am reminded why I don't align myself with "Christianity" - you all are scary! LOL

    4. meaby she just wanted sure, the dog was not ending in the shelter, our ended up by somone who torture him. Meaby she believe in afterlive, and just wanted take him as real friend with here when she enter the heavengate, out incarnate togheter in a next live. meaby the dog have show in live he refuse care from others and she knew he shal die from grief soon after here. it is so ease scream unjustice if you not know how the dog was, who she was, and why.

  3. I think that her dog should have given to a lovey family ta take care who would need a dog with those abilities.
    I understand that sometimes we are worried what would be the desteny of the dog. Will have a good life after? But instead of taking her or his life, it is better guarantee a good life with a loving new famiy.

  4. I think it is selfish of that woman; the dog was healthy and could have helped another blind person. Shame on her and stupid family for following her wish.

  5. why kill a healthy dog. that's like saying I want my children to come with me when I die. What a way to pay the years of loyal service as a companion and a pet. Sick people.

  6. How utterly thoughtless and selfish of her to request this and shame on whoever put the poor dog down! She wouldn't have known if that perverted request hadn't been carried out after all

  7. What a disgusting woman. Who did she think she was? An Egyptian Pharaoh? Why was the dog not given to another blind person to be loved. Ms Stadler obviously love Toffee much.

    1. Many Chinese Emperors buried their wife, their maid, horses, dogs, etc with them since the Emperors love them too much to them go.

    2. You are as selfish as this woman and her family. Of course there are choices if you really want to help the cat who was so dear to your mother in law, but choose the easy way.

    3. Hey, hey, you just crossed the doesn't matter if it's true or not.
      -An Egpytian

  8. I personally think that the killing of the dog was a nasty decision.

    This dog could have been given over to a new owner surely?


  9. That is really quite sick and selfish.
    Who is to decide that the dog should be killed? Should she also be allowed to kill her kid if she had any, just because she "wished" for it?
    That dog could have helped other handicapped people.
    Not only is it a crying shame for the dog, but it is also a waste of a well trained dog for other people.

  10. This is nothing else then murder, with all my respect to the dead blind women, R.I.P, but this is a scandal, If i, or anyone else for that matter would wish that they buried my wife or daughter with me when I am gone, would that be okey, off course NOT. Yes the law is different for dogs and humans, but to kill an healthy dog should be forbidden. Jacob

    1. I fight every day to network dogs that are on the daily kill list at NYC ACC. I cant tell you how many come from a place where their owner died and there was either no family or the family opted to turn the dog into the shelter for euthanization or as I call it since it is what it is, Killing. Having said that I dont necessarily agree but I also dont know the facts. What if this woman had no one and the dog was elderly? Most guide dogs are large breeds which have a much shorter life span than smaller dogs. Who knows the age of her dog and whether or not she had other options. Some may think well a guide dog can easily be re homed. well maybe, though I have seen those killed to by shelters. Maybe it too was old. Maybe maybe maybe. While it is TERRIBLY SHOCKING to me I need to know more to have a valid opinion. As far as burying a wife /daugher. Humans can look after themselves, animals cannot. I am dead set against killing healthy dogs but every morning at 6am NYC ACC begins killing healthy dogs. Thats a fact, while the facts of this story are unknown, so I choose to speak out against that since its something I know to be true. As for this poor dog, I pray the choice made was made for reasons we dont know, good reasons, like elderly itself and not for selfish reasons. I have to say though, knowing how much a disabled human and their guide dog bond I am sure or at least greatly hoped it was not a decision she made lightly.

  11. I would like to have more details before deciding what was best for the dog. For instance, How old was it, and how long had the dog been with her?

    1. I so agree Gina.
      They might've been so bonded that being separated, like "LOVEMYDOGS" says farther down, it would've made the dog unmanageable.

  12. We are not in the old Egypt when relatives and animals were buried along with the person. She might have loved her dog deeply but in a very selfish way. It was up to her family to deny that unreasonable wish of hers. A healthy dog had a right to keep on living with somebody else.

  13. I would want my dog buried with , me but I wouldn't want my dog to be put down if it is healthy and the family and vet should never have put the dog down

  14. Oh boy, my first reaction was "How could she? How could she condemn her loyal, faithful helper because SHE wanted company." Then I thought about my 14 year old Tenterfield terrier. She is an anxious dog, even with medication & training, and totally bonded to me - she will accept pats from others, but stresses if I am out of the room when away from home. It is not separation anxiety, but it comes close. If I were to die, she mightn't cope, even with my parents and her dog brother and sister. In that case, I could understand my parents euthanizing her even if physically it wasn't necessary. My gut reaction tells me it was a terrible thing to do to a healthy guide dog, but I hope there was a good reason. Best of all, I hope it was an April fool's day "prank"

  15. I think it is absolutely disgraceful having a healthy guide dog put down. That is one selfish owner. It costs time and money to train a dog to the standards required and not all dogs are suited to it. This dog would have had lots of years left being an aide to another blind person who now instead will have to wait for another dog to be trained. I think the woman and her family that actually went along with her wish because the cancer may have made the woman crazy in the head but her own family did the dirty deed of having the dog killed are all horrible people.

  16. This is just sick and nonsense and I don't know which country is this example because it shows the education level of the people in that country.Shame to that old women who did the sickest thing of her life even after dieing and to those people who fulfilled her foolish wish.

  17. I think this is so wrong. The dog should had been placed in a loving home and not murdered. I equally find the woman and her family guilty of murder. Something should be done to the woman's family. It is against the law to murder an animal and that is what they are guilty of. There was nothing wrong with this dog and they should be punished accordingly.

  18. This is horrifying!
    What vet would agree to put a healthy dog to sleep?
    What was wrong with the dead woman, why would she want her companion put to death just because she was going to snuff it! If I can’t have my dog no one can, is that it?
    And the family that carried out this crazy bi+ches wishes, you are clearly as sick as your dead relative, it’s got to be a genetic thing.

    The vet should be fired, the family should be sued and banned from keeping animals for life and anyone given the gift of a guide dog should be given so as a loan. If your dog outlives you, then the dog goes to someone that can love it and care for it for the rest of it’s life. Not to your next of kin so they can execute it.

    You are all sick in the head!

  19. Selfish, cruel and absurd. She was not only blind but crazy as well.

  20. The family should be taken to court for killing a healthy dog. If the dog served their family member, its their responsibility to make sure the dog goes to safer hands and not just go with the dead person. So if the old woman asked for her family to be buried with her, would the family die too? Why the dog then? No life is less important than anyone's.

  21. So sad that this selfish woman wanted her dog murdered so it could be placed in her casket and she wouldn't be "alone". What if she had wanted a spouse/child murdered and buried with her oh wait there are laws preventing that.......................

  22. Ingrate, selfish, sad excuse for a person.

  23. ... sick things do happen in the so called evolved human society of ours .. here's the proof ...

  24. If a veterinarian killed the dog, then his license needs to be terminated and animal cruelty charges should be brought. No healthy animal should be killed at the request of it's clearly insane owner.

    And her family is just as mentally deficient as she was. Was there no sane family member present to stop this before it happened? Just when you think people have sunk as low as they can go, you read an article like this.

    1. My ex was a vet and he murdered a dog just for the $200,(he just shrugged and said if he didn't do it, someone else would - he was a sociopath.) The lunatic that owned the dog thought it gave her grandchild autism (yes-you read that right!)and her husband loved the dog and wouldn't let her get rid of it. So she had the hit-man, my ex, come and kill it. Then she told her husband it dropped dead or something...I don't know. But if you know anyone who had a brindle Frenchie die suspiciously in Miami- I know why!

  25. There is no reason that the guide dog couldn't be buried on top of her after it died of its own natural causes. I can't imagine being responsible for the death of any living being. I think I'm more mad at the family, because you don't have to fulfill anyone's final wish. They could've put her dog's collar or something to represent her dog at her feet.

  26. i'd have my dog buried with me, but the dog would have to die first.

  27. Let me guess.....this woman was American?
    Only in America!
    It's SIMPLY wrong what was done to that poor poor talented dog!
    The woman was dead so what was she gonna know about it if the dog wasn't buried with her?!?!?
    All down to ignorant religious beliefs again :-(
    RIP Mary xxx arf arf
    The blind woman? I haven't an ounce of respect of sympathy for her after she made this sick decision.

  28. That should have never been even thought of by anyone who cares for animals. Just because the woman died, doesn't mean the dog needed to die too. He could have went to live with someone else, whether he retired or continued to work, doesn't matter, but what the woman did was and those who followed her wishes was murder.

  29. All the guide dogs I have seen are very, very loved and appreciated, and are the type/personality of dog who enjoy 'working'. They have their play time, too! Visit the website of the Mira Foundation (it's in Quebec, and the site can be seen in both French and English). They maintain ownership of their working dogs, which are provided to individuals who need them free of charge.

  30. My Aunt wanted her 2 dogs cremated and buried with her when she died. I along with other family members did not follow her wishes as, they were only 2 and 4 years old and in perfect health. Although, none of the rest of the family wanted to take them and her daughter wanted them taken to the humane society. I stepped up and took them both but, because of space constraints and the fact that the two dogs didn't get along, I did find a very good home for one of them. Seven years later, I still have a healthy dog!

  31. This woman was very selfish to have had the dog killed just to keep her company in the coffin! Disgusting. Why didn't a member of her family or a friend continue to look after the dog for her? He deserved to have a life!

  32. It was ok she recognized that the dog would mourn her and probably woulda died a slow death otherwise nothing wrong with this a dog mourns like a human over humans and other dogs I've watched it happen Dana the great died a week after her owner died in a car accident

  33. All the service/guide dogs I have seen have been very loved and appreciated, and were also the type/personality of dog that enjoyed working. They have their play times, too! I recommend that you visit the website of the Mira Foundation. It's located in Quebec (website is in French and Engligh)- they maintain ownership of all their working dogs, and they are provided free to those who need them. They even take them back when they get too old for regular work, and are then placed with loving families (often the same families that had taken care of them as pups/'teenagers').

  34. How completely selfish of this woman to have her dog killed just to keep her company in the coffin. Disgusting! Surely a friend or family member could have taken care of it. This dog had been good to her while she was alive and deserved a good life too!

  35. My son had a guide dog and we were specifically told the dog would always belong to the guide dog school. If, for any reason, the current blind user was not using the dog any longer, the dog was to be returned. This is unbelievable someone would be so selfish when people are on waiting lists for the dogs.

  36. Dogs are not slaves they do a great service just as people do
    When they work with the public have you ever had to deal with a special needs dog they require special training that us humans give does that Make us a slave?

  37. This is just sick. We are not living in Ancient Egypt and this selfish woman was not a pharaoh. The murder of a healthy and useful companion dog like this is a despicable and wasteful act. People never cease to utterly appal me!

  38. What a nasty old women! I totally agree with the above comments, the training & expense which makes a good guide dog was totally wasted. And it goes without saying,the poor dog did not deserve to die! A final selfish act from someone who must have been that way in life also.

  39. I believe the dog should not have been put down. However, for the sake of seeing both sides, it is possible that Shelia Stadler, was afraid no one would care for her dog after her death. I have seen several dogs and cats on kill lists due to their owner passing away. She may have preferred her dog to be placed with her than to be put down at a shelter. I am very sorry the poor dog was put down, but if the family truly wanted to care for the dog, they would not have agreed. We cannot judge her but be very sorry that are system puts so many healthy animals to sleep every day just because they are unwanted. Blame her family and the system, not the lady that truly loved her dog.

  40. It is a crime. An innocent and helpful living being has been murdered. Murder 1st degree.

  41. What I can't understand is here in the UK the dog would automatically have been returned to GDFB as the dogs r given as a SERVICE 2 the HUMAN not 2 to be OWNED as such. The dog would have then been reissued or retired to a good home is how it works here. I guess not in the usa!?!

  42. Simply unbelievable! And no one should have executed such a demand!
    It's very expensive to train such a dog and this healthy dog could have helped some other person for many more years.

    Very sad! <3

  43. We never know why she wanted that. She most probably thought that someone else will not treat the dog with respect. Maybe the two of them werw very close and the dog would mourn for too long. How can we decide. 10 million healthy dogs get put to sleep in a year. We should fight that. Fight puppy mills.

    1. are one of the few who considered options. Comment made with respect.

    2. Congratulations for looking for a less obvious reason with a more positive possibility. You are among the few.

  44. All I can say is we need to do something about animal cruelty!!! This is just another case to show that certain people just don't give a f***. People seem to think it's ok to treat animals differently than humans!!!!! People need to wake up!!! Animals have feelings!!! They need proper care just like we do!!! They deserve love, compassion, and a good home where they should feel safe and secure, not scared, or tortured, or be euthanized for no reason!!!!

  45. It is outrageous!The woman was ignorant and very selfish! Her family as well, doing her final wish! Poor dog, serving her blindness all his life and then as a "reward" was put down! It makes me sick!!

  46. It is wrong to kill a dog just for fulfilling someone's last wish. At least the dog was not burried alive.
    And what would happen had some idiot made a last wish, that a dog would be burried alive?! Or if some idiot made a wish, that many dogs would be killed for no reason?! The bottom line is, that "fulfilling a last wish" cannot justify senseless killings of dogs.

  47. How utterly selfish of this woman, to put her own feelings above those of her loyal companion, who could have provided services to another needy soul...

    And shame on her family, for fulfilling such thoughtless "wishes": At least ONE of them should have realized the value of precious Toffee, for the intrinsic worth of his or her life alone - not to consider the invaluable service that another person could have experienced - nor the satisfaction Toffee would have derived from providing that assistance!

  48. I wouldn't like to say unless I had more details.. How old was the dog.. If it was young and healthy, then yes, it could have gone on to help another person who was blind... Was it old,, was it so devoted to this lady it would have pined until it's dying day, and ended up living in abject misery until then... I don't know... I'm sure she did what she thought was best,, but of course, when you are very very ill, as she was,, are you thinking correctly.. I'll reserve judgement, and pray I'm never in the same predicament....

  49. I think this is sad the dog should have been given to some one who would have loved it and given it a loving home. She was selfish but she must have cared very much for this dog. I love my dogs very much but I could not do what she did.

  50. how could she be so cruel and selfish to kill an innocent dog so he could be buried with her and not given to another person to use

  51. What a horrible story and an awful thing to do to her dog. Poor helpless animal. That's how the dog is repaid for it's service? 'sigh'

  52. words fail me. surly there is alot of disabled people that would have needed a dog just like this one, that would give them a better life to live with the help of thease brillaint dogs, there should be a law that protecs all thease dogs, i am so proud to be british citerzen were thease dogs are protected, her family hold your heads in shame, to the person who took this dog to the vet, and the vet you both are scum .

  53. Crazy and evil woman and crazy and evil those who did it.

    1. The vet should have refused to do this as unethical. Let the dog live out its normal life then bury it with the woman. The family must be pretty sick to even consider doing this as well

  54. Toffee (you know, the dog's *name*) and her owner may have been so bonded that the dog would live in misery after her owner's death. Working dogs (service, military, police, etc) *do* form very tight bonds, to the point where the dog may be euthanized or have to retire from active service after an owner's death because they are no longer able to work. Personally, I've had 2 dogs who, had I died first, would have had to have been euthanized due to the bond we had formed. Without knowing all the facts, condeming the woman and her family is ignorant.

  55. THis is just another display of humans believing they are "superior" to all other species and that somehow that superiority translates into a justification for doing whatever we want to animals. In this way, human interests always "trump" animal interests, even when the human interest is trivial and the animal interest is a matter of life and death. This attitude by some people makes me sick! That dog should have been able to enjoy the rest of his life!

  56. What a horribly selfish thing to do to a loving dog that did nothing but serve his owner, being there for her always when she was in need. She is no longer in need and if she loved the dog and appreciated him, she would have wanted him to live on. I am sorry that dogs are trained, put in to service, and given to people like this. No one should be playing God with an innocent, devoted, "HEALTHY" living being! He was made to be her servant in life, to live through helping one person, he had a job and he did it and in return, they took his life. Sounds terribly ungrateful and should be a crime. RIP should have been allowed to just be a dog in life rather than property...

  57. I also believe that the Ancient Peoples mentioned would've approved. I too would approve if the dog was sick, old etc.

    They did it to provide all the comforts of life for the deceased. It was and still is like going on a Journey.

    But I would have my family wait until said beloved pet crossed also.

    I would like think that my pet hen,Obelisk the Tormentor, would be lost without me, because I know that the reverse shall be true.

    That being said the day that my Grandmother was being buried her cat had a seizure and died, my Grandfather slipped Savannah into the casket so that they could be together.

  58. How very sad & very selfish. To the family, I hope this haunts you all how dare you! Who's crazier, the deceased woman or her family members? What veternarian agreed & carried this out? That Dr. should definitely be ashamed of themselves. Poor Dog. This makes no sense that these inhumane ppl are getting away with this it's MURDER of an animal. he has feelings too, you think if he could talk he'd say oh yeah kill me, I don't mind being with her? Hell no!! He wouldn't. I really hope the proper authorities lQQk into this & take the proper action. If this were me I'd be locked up for wrongful death of an animal. I know there's a lot of sick ppl out there but this is just "CRUEL"! So what's gonna happen when the other sick ppl worldwide starts requesting this horrible act? Oh yeah, they'll come up with a law to prevent it. smdh... unbelievable! RIP LIL DOGGY I KNOW YOU WERE OF GREAT SERVICE & ALTHOUGH NOT APPRECIATED YOU ARE LOVED BY MANY <3

  59. The woman and her family are losers. They should be charged with animal cruelty for implementing her final wishes because they are sick and cruel. The dog gave her love and service and she thanks it by taking its life. Wrong,wrong,wrong.


    for her

  62. If she truly loved and cared about her dog, she would have let him live a long, happy life with a loving family. This story breaks my heart...

  63. How very sad & very selfish. To the family, I hope this haunts you all how dare you! Who's crazier, the deceased woman or her family members? What veternarian agreed & carried this out? That Dr. should definitely be ashamed of themselves. Poor Dog. This makes no sense that these inhumane ppl are getting away with this it's MURDER of an animal. he has feelings too, you think if he could talk he'd say oh yeah kill me, I don't mind being with her? Hell no!! He wouldn't. I really hope the proper authorities lQQk into this & take the proper action. If this were me I'd be locked up for wrongful death of an animal. I know there's a lot of sick ppl out there but this is just "CRUEL"! So what's gonna happen when the other sick ppl worldwide starts requesting this horrible act? Oh yeah, they'll come up with a law to prevent it. smdh... unbelievable! RIP LIL DOGGY I KNOW YOU WERE OF GREAT SERVICE & ALTHOUGH NOT APPRECIATED YOU ARE LOVED BY MANY <3

    1. I agree that once others see this they are going to be doing the exact same thing. The only way I agree with this is if the animal is very old or he himself is dying. But not a healthy animal who has many years left! And yes! Toffee, even though we never met you, you have touched many lives & are definitely loved by all of us. Your owner did love you, but was selfish!

  64. Very sick, disgusting and a very awful thing to do to the poor dog. I agree with Janet, that's how the dog is repaid for it's service? It's just unthinkable, how anyone could be so selfish, and for her family to comply, is indeed a crime.

  65. We do not really know that burying Tofee (spelling?) with her was Ms. Stadler's wish. We have not been shown any proof. For all we know, this was not her wish, but her family did not want to go to the 'trouble' of taking Tofee to an agency to rehome him to another blind person and so they concocted this story of her will. Either way, her family is one nasty group. They did not have to have Tofee killed even if Stadler had this provision in her will.

  66. She was only thinking of herself.If the dog was dying then I could understand putting it out of it's misery,but not just because she wanted it to be with her.That was so wrong.It was wrong of the vet to do that.

  67. I think it is disgusting that the poor guide dog was murdered needlessly so that a dead woman could have her final selfish wish of killing the dedicated selfless animal who enhanced and improved her life tremendously. The dog should have been retired and given a chance to enjoy his life for a change instead of looking after her needs. This smacks of Sutteeism... Does she think she's an Egyptian Pharaoh, or that the poor dog can't go on living without her -- how screwed up is that. How unfair.... This makes me angry.

  68. I wonder how many of the negative posters on here have a service dog!! I have one and I have the same arrangement. For one, my girl is not that young. Secondly, these dogs become so hyper dependent on their handler, they frequently will not adjust to anyone else. Their grief is unbelievable. I was in the hospital for two weeks for surgery and my family was able to bring Sky to the hospital otherwise she would not have made it. Many service dogs lose all interest in living when they lose their person. It is kinder to let them follow their person than to force them to readjust. My Sky cannot even survive with my family. She is a one person dog. This woman was thinking of her dog and not what anyone else thought. And for the cruel comments many of you made, I wish the three fold law back on you.

  69. Assuming the statement that the dog was healthy is accurate this was a sick act. We are not the ancient Egyptians to take servants with us to the grave. This family should be charged with cruelty to animals and if a vet was involved in euthanizing the dog that vet should loose their license. This is sickening. A living animal isn't an object to be so callously treated. This action is morally sickening and those that assisted in it should be shunned!

  70. This is terrible. I feel the dog should have lived out it's life and then been buried where this insane lady is. The vet and her family should all be prosecuted for this act. It is animal cruelty. The dogs take a long time to be trained and it could have be given to someone else in need. It would have readjusted to someone else. Sadly, animals are shuffled around a lot. Thank God they are strong willed and can adapt. Hope this lady, the vet, and her family all burn in Hell. You're all sick, demented people. Bet you're glad she didn't want to take you with her too!!! Would have got what you deserved though.

  71. As others have mentioned, I don't necessarily think she didn't love her dog - maybe she felt so attached to it that she thought this was a way of continuing the companionship once she died - but the bottom line it was terribly, terribly selfish of her. Perhaps the disease did affect her judgement but more rational minds should have prevailed. The other irony is that the poor dog who was there for her was "rewarded" with death. It's really very, very sad. How would people react if someone decided to kill their child because they themselves were dying? I don't think it's much different.

  72. You want my opinion ok. Who decides who we kill? When did we become God? Why not let the dog live out his life with a family member then bury it with the woman. She was very attached to the dog so I assume it was very attached to her. Well I am very attached to my mother and when she died..... our dog was very attached to her too. Whitney and I muddled through together. When Whitney passed she was with my mother as one day I will to. Please do not put me to sleep yet though. Let God decide when it is our time, I am not sure I could have gotten though her death without Sissy (Whitney). She provide great memories and much love.

  73. Guide dogs should belong to a Blind society who trains and provides them to blind people in need. So They should ultimatly belong to the Society. A healthy dog should never be put down to saitify a selfish previous owners wish, wor whim, their life has ended youd think if they really cared for the dog they would want it rehomed or retired to a loving home.

  74. This woman should never have gotten a service dog! This was pure animal abuse & murder! I thought it was mandatory that if a person couldn't keep a service dog for any reason, whether health or their death, the dog was supposed to go back to the organization to be given to deserving person. There is a great deal of training and cost to raise these wonderful dogs. They should then only be lent out, then...not given. This is absolutely awful! What if the dog was only a few years old? Was it supposed to die for this horrible woman (a disgrace to women, she is!). I hope she's in hell, for the dog is surely in heaven!

  75. I think it's very wrong for a healthy dog to be put down just b the person that owned dog wanted it. her family are no better to actualy carry out her wishes.ive 2 dogs 8 & 16 months I dont have children but to me they are my children & as much as I love them both I'd never ask for them to be buried with me it's cruel, selfish and sick to even say it not 2 mind her family that carried out her wishes

  76. I don't think it's right what this woman asked & her family did! I too understand that an animal gets very attached to you & they have only one owner. But, it was so selfish of that woman to ever even ask that of her family! Her family should've never followed through with it either which makes them equally responsible. Cancer or not, I'm sure she was in her right mind when she made this request. My grandmother always told us that when she died she wanted her dog tobe buried with her when she went. We told her if the dog were healthy we would never do it. She still insisted that her GSD Heidi would go with her. When my grandmother passed, my brother took Heidi & had her for a couple of years till she passed. Then she was cremated & her ashes were buried at the foot of my grandmother. I'm sorry, but these people could've fought her or after she was gone, given the dog to another disabled person or even kept the dog themselves. The vet in my opinion was spineless in this too because he should've turned down the request just on moral beliefs alone! He should not be in practice! I'm sure the TV statiion pulled this because they knew the opiniions they were going
    to get were'nt going to be favorable. Either that or the family requested that it be pulled. God bless that poor puppy's soul. He's on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, but I hope not with her. She had to answer to her Higher Power why she destroyed one of His most beloved creatures.

  77. I agree with all those here who said it was a terribly selfish decision and criminal to put down a healthy dog. I think we have to work for change in a law that allows this kind of thing. Why should a person be allowed to request that a healthy animal be put to death as a final wish? What if she had requested that of a family member? Obviously that final wish would not have been granted. It should be against the law to murder an animal as someone's final wish. It just goes to show how animals are treated as property. That service animal gave his all for her and this was how he was rewarded. We have no idea if the dog would have been able to love and help someone else because it was never given the chance to do so. A terrible injustice that needs to be called what it is -barbaric!

  78. Unlike every other post I see, I applaud the woman for making sure her dog did not suffer after her death. Look how many healthy dogs are euthanized every day! There are so many unwanted animals. I followed a page for months created by friends that were trying to place a man's beloved dogs after he died unexpectedly. I have 6 healthy horses and I made the depressing decision to have them euthanized when I go if I do not have what I feel is a concrete permanent home for each one. I will not take the chance on them being moved around and endnig up at the slaughter house. Maybe this woman did not have a trusted home for the dog, or it was so bonded that it would have been miserable without her.

  79. I believe this woman was incredibly selfish and cruel. If her final wish was to have her beloved pet placed with her in her final resting place, I firmly think she should have implemented some other plan aside from euthanizing a healthy, innocent animal. Perhaps after Toffee crossed over the rainbow bridge, naturally, then could've been rejoined with this sick, and heartless woman. To me that still seems too nice for her though.

  80. Nasty woman & family,this is not a way,to reward the dogs faithful and loyal service....the dog could still have lived a happy & productive,long life which it deserved...

  81. It takes two for this criminal offence: the person who died, who was not being conscientious about what she was asking for and the people surrounding her who couldn´t bring her down to her senses!! Besides...who did the killing? a Vet? then we have three mad parties in here. They should be prosecuted, because asking for that nonsense was not normal but the ones who carried it out are criminals, no doubt about it.

  82. ...and who were the morons that followed through with it after she was gone? They couldn't wait till the dog died naturally and then rebury it? This dog could've been used for another person. It goes to show how people really don't know what love is. You don't kill the lifeforms that you love...just because you died! WTF? This person was a selfish elitist whore!!! and so were her family that allowed this to happen!! She is exactly what is wrong with the world.

  83. I believe this woman was incredibly selfish and cruel. If her final wish was to have her devoted pet to be with her in her final resting place, I firmly think she should have implemented some other plan aside from euthanizing a healthy, innocent animal. Perhaps after Toffee crossed over the rainbow bridge, naturally, then could've been rejoined with this sick, and heartless woman. To me that still seems too nice for her though. Dying doesn't equal sanity and apparently this woman was crazy, as well as her family or whoever carried out this incredibly evil act. God sees ugly, he will be the judge. Bless you Toffee, run free <3

  84. This is the most disgusting act I have ever heard! Not only did the poor dog suffer and endured a life of enslavement but to ad to the misery, his life is also taken away. What a sick mind to allow this to happen not only by the selfish slave owner but by those family members and authorities who condoned it!


    What kind of sick mind leaves a DEATH WISH for a poor innocent victim enslaved for life?


    Will you allow this to happen to your children?


  85. All I can say is selfish and disgusting decicion

  86. ONLY if the dog was very old! aside from the humane aspect, charities put a LOT of money into training those dogs. Unless the dog was old and in bad health, shame on her and the person who murdered it! My ex BF murdered someone's dog,(he's a vet so it's legal but VERY unethical)Some crazy woman thought it gave her grandchild autsim and the husband loved the dog. So she had my ex come while she was at work and he murdered it for $200. Of course when I found out it has a MAJOR impact on our relationship. I found out he really WAS a sociopath. I wish so much I knew who that was so I could tell the husband what a MONSTER he was married to.

  87. Absolutely disgusting, the dogs reward for serving its owner was death!!! Not to mention the lost service it could have given to another blind person.

  88. I can understand what Marilyn Wagner is thinking but I totally disagree. Even if the dog was very old and not any use to anyone else as a guide dog it could surely have been given it's last years in comfort and with love. There are many people ready to give older dogs homes. And of course if the dog was still young and able to help another person then the lady's and the family's decision is both selfish and horrendous. I think some blame should also be given to the veterinarian who fulfilled the lady's last wishes.

  89. omidog, nasty is right!!!! That blind woman displayed supreme
    selfishness in needlessly depriving her perfectly healthy guide dog of its life before its time:-((( Who did she think she was, an Egyptian pharoah?! How come her 'human' family members didn't
    give up their lives so as to be buried along with her too?! I think this family should be charged with needless animal cruelty
    ...and the VET too who went along with this nonsense and euthanized a healthy and valuable trained guide dog...which could have gone on to help another blind person live a better life! This is just an awful situation any way you look at it:-(

  90. How selfish can anyone be? This healthy, trained dog could have been placed with another blind person. Guide dogs are difficult to get. I'm glad this selfish bitch is dead. My heart breaks for the dog who had EVERY RIGHT TO LIVE!!! HE SERVED A HUMAN AND FOR THAT HE WAS KILLED!

  91. So you all can decide and judge the decision of a old dying woman. You have the right indeed. Was selfish? Yes? Did she loved the dog! Certainly! Did the dog would want to go after her? Who knows. I only can say that I have three cats and the vet agreed to put them to sleep if someone happens to me. Is not selfish, and I'm not thinking that they would "go" with me to the other life. Hopefully can be true. I thought in their welfare. NO ONE would take care of these three angels like I do now. If I die, they will suffer and would miss the life I give them now. Maybe was the case of the old lady and her dog.

  92. That poor dog did not deserve that!

  93. Wow, some pretty nasty comments in this thread. I feel strongly that no Veterenarian should have consented to such a decision. This reminds me so closely to the tragedy I personally faced when my boyfriend died unexpectedly, his ex-girlfriend was given his healthy 4 year old German Shephard mix because she had been with him when they got the dog together. Within a week at his funeral I had found a wonderful home on acreage in the mountains for the dog, but the girl had put him to sleep already. I was furious, her response was that the dog wasn't himself and she feared he was dangerous. Wow... some people just don't value life outside their own box, their own comfort zone. This should never have happened.

  94. Ok, perhaps she did love it too much, and perhaps the dog may have been ailing or old (although I doubt-surely as a guide dog, it would've been replaced by 1 fit and healthy?? Whats the use of having a half dead guide dog, lets be honest!! So I think the dog was quite fine)but does that then make it ok to kill it?? Should we not let nature run its own course? We're so quick to put an end to an amimals life-for whatever reason, yet our justice systems allow murderers, rapists and the like to continue living?? Screwed up I think! But then one must ask....if its ok to end the life of a dog because someone loved it too much, or it was ailing (whatever the darn reason)why don't we euthanise humans when someone dies "that loved them too much"? BECAUSE ITS UNETHICAL PEOPLE!!! If we won't do it to our own kind why do it to other species that we SHARE this Earth with!! It's no crime to love your animals too much, its a crime to be SELFISH and take their life when yours expires!!! Shame on the people involved in this tragedy!

  95. I think a person never has to be given the right to decide about the faith of a guide dog. It's a dog that is given 'in loan' to help the people, but they can never decide about killing it. No matter which excuse she has, cancer or not, thinking straigth or not, she was sick in her head. Legally, it doesn't actually matter if she loved the dog too much or to less, it's murder!

  96. OK Guys - what do people love most about dogs? A dog's SELFLESSNESS. What are humans so very poor at - LOVING SELFLESSLY. This was the ultimate act of selflessness and speaks to the lessened intelligence of many humans. As a Dog Whisperer working with people and their dogs and specializing in dogs that have acquired extreme unhealthy behaviours from the influence of their humans I must teach people to love their dog's selflessly, be part dog, rather than all human.

    Thank you Justice for Mary for being a strong voice for those non-human animals who are ignored, brutalized, abused, neglected, murdered and otherwise horribly used by those who should know better. Paw-hugs Karen

  97. Don't veterinarians take an oath like other doctors to "Do no harm"? This is very sad. No healthy animal should be put down to be buried with their owner. I have adopted extremely senior dogs who were sad to be away from their previous owners/family, but who thrived with me because I gave them tons of unconditional love and care. What a shame and example of human ignorance and selfishness.

  98. This selfish women should go to hell.

  99. Its just plain selfish. If the same premise was used in humans alone (i.e. killing children to be buried with their dead parents)there would be an uproar. It just amazes me how inhuman humans truly are.

  100. That's discusting and the people who carried it out are assholes.

    If her husband was alive and she wanted him to be killed and buried with her, would they do that, of couse not, it's murder, killing the dog is no different. The SPCA should be looking into this and somebody should be criminally charged (maybe executed) for murder.

    Sometimes people's last wishes are ludicrous and should not be acknowledged, this was one of those times.

  101. Being against guide dogs is really odd. Dogs thrive on having "jobs". Many of the larger breeds NEED something TO DO in order to not develop nervous habits like chewing things up including themselves. It is a good use of their energy. I have a breed that likes to herd. Living where I do there is nothing to herd but he herded the kids when they were small and getting a little wild. At the dog park if there is a ruckus he will try to bring order by herding the offender LOL. Other than that I have to make sure he gets regular playtime to use up that need he has to "work" so whether its being a pro dog at discs, agility or being a service dog it is not enslavement. Guide dogs are trained with great care and love, they care for 'their" person and often are lost when that person is gone. Why do you thing so many police dogs go home with their human partner when the dog retires? I an against any type of animal abuse, circuse animals, fighting dogs, even zoo animals those are all forms of enslavement but not a service dog.Alot of care, time and money is invested into making a dog a service dog. The first thing is they have to have the drive/desire for it or it will never work. Not to mention that since we humans domesticated these animals we are responsible for their well being which includes providing them with the kind of activity the breed requires in order to thrive and be not only physically healthy but mentally/emotionally healthy.

  102. If her dog died would she kill HERSELF? If you believe in God and heaven (which I do) she would have been reunited with her dog then. I'm a vegan and animal rights activist and this was a selfish act on her part to have the dog killed.
    Dianne Rochenski

  103. Geesh...what a sad story. If I were the vet, I could NOT have done that!!!!!!

  104. Wow. I agree she made the wrong decision, but wishing pain upon another human being is pretty harsh. I would never want anyone to wish that upon you, or anyone else for that matter.

  105. At least the dog is in heaven & not the lady

  106. It is so sad and so selfish of this woman to have made such a final request. So much time, effort and money goes into training these dogs that it should be a criminal offense for the vet(?) that euthanized this dog. I am so sorry that another person could not benefit from such a beautiful, gentle and giving dog. A lesson should be learned from this: A contract signed that states the dog should be returned to the training facility should its person die!

  107. Being a Disabled Veteran who is legally blind, I too wanted my dog with me forever. I have it in my will that whoever dies first will be cremated and be held until the other one passes so that our ashes can be placed together. Unfortunately my dog passed away from Cancer last April. I have his ashes and once I die our ashes will be put together. I think the Vet failed both the lady and the dog. I think anyone around this person should have given her more options and more information. Everyone around them failed.

  108. I think this was a very bad decision all around either by the woman dying or her family. I would hope and pray that those affected by blindness or other disorders requiring the use of a service dog would consider how valuable that beautiful animal is and their last wish to be that their beloved animal help someone else in need. This was a terribly selfish act by all involved and whoever euthanized this animal should not be allowed to practice veterinary medicine or be around any animals, if they are a vet, then I hope people stay far away from them. Horrible, horrible decision all around and people like this make me sick.

  109. Marilyn I agree with you. I have been had Service Dogs for many many years and sadly have out lived to many. The dog very well could have been old or strongly bonded to her (as they are supposed to). I have seen Service Dogs that have died within days of their person, perfectly healthy dogs, due to their bond. The relationship with people and their Service Dogs is a completely different bond and needs to be addressed on an individual basis. I lost my last Service Dog way to young because he was so dedicated to my care that he showed no signs of his illness until 2 days before I had to make the terrible decision. My vet could not believe his dedication to me. At the time we discovered his illness I was recovering from a broken back and till the end I was his priority not himself.

  110. I think it was extremly selfish to murder the dog after it had serviced her blind butt she rewarded it with murder can't see the fairness in that!!!! They should have at least let her live long enough to see how she got along with out the selfish owner!!! Evenif the dog was old or extremly attached it deserved a chance!!! RIP Precious one so sorry your life here was ended by someone who cared only for themselves!!

  111. This should NOT have been allowed. This dog could have had many more years of life and could have helped another blind/disabled person. This woman did NOT do this out of LOVE for this animal; she was very selfish and cruel. This, by law, should not have been allowed.

  112. I find her final wish extremely selfish. On behalf of the dog and on behalf of anyone else whose life may have been bettered by having the service dog donated to them!

  113. I choose to find good wherever I can. Perhaps the lady felt that her dog could be re-homed, but that its future would not be certain. New owners can appear excellent when assessed, but turn out to be anywhere from not caring enough to down-right cruel. Whereas the lady who died may have known that for the dog's life with her, it would always receive vet. care, surgery if needed, good food, a place right next to her, that scenario could NOT be guaranteed if re-homed. If that was what she was thinking her motivation was total devotion to her dog.

  114. I can't believe someone allowed this to happen. Who is the vet who did this? What a selfish move. Not only did she deprive the dog of the rest of its life, but she deprived someone else of a trained service dog.

  115. I think this was an extreme act of selfishness, how sad that this woman didn't have enough compassion or love not only for her dog but also for those like herself who also are blind. She could have given her dog not only many more years of love but also could have shown her appreciation for the many years the dog assisted her by allowing the dog to continue to help those that are in need as she was once. I dont believe that she loved her dog too much, I think she didnt love him let him live.


  117. I'm sure she loved the dog and wanted it with her forever but if she had any estate funds she could have set up a trust for the dog and bought a plot for it next to her's to be used at the end of the dog's life. But the Cemetary may have laws which prohibited it. In the US animals are legally personal property, like a chair or a car. Until living animals, which are not human, are given some kind of right to live and not be personal property, the owner, short of being prosecuted for animal abuse or neglect can do what they want with their own animals. This is nothing in comparison to how many animals are killed at animal shelters. And let's not even think about the millions of animals slaughtered every year to supply meat and poultry to supply their demand by consumers. No demand=no supply. Until your part of the solution, as much as you proclaim disgust, you are part of the problem. Take action, start petitions, write your legislators or support groups that do and go Vegan, it's easy to do in this day and age. Vegan food has gotten a bad rap! There's even Vegetarian frozen dinners. How easy is that. This dog had it easy as compared to dogs at the pound. I think killing an animal unless it's sick and in pain is wrong, but the laws support otherwise.

  118. Woman was crazy, family was crazier. To kill a healthy animal in this manner is heinous- as many have pointed out are we Egyptians to slay servants and family to accompany us in death?

  119. Considering the dog was healthy and that it takes a lot of time, money, patience and dedication to train a guide dog and that there are probably so many blind people out there who could have benefited by receiving her guide dog, I think that the act was selfish. Even if she was worried about what would happen to it, the fact that it was a valuable guide dog, would have ensured it would have been cared for. Most dogs do adapt to new owners even though they may initially fret, otherwise there would be no point to animal rescue shelters where dogs are given new homes. Shelter animals often come from a home where an elderly person has passed away and they generally bond well with their new owners. I am sad that a healthy animal was sacrificed in such a way and even if she had cancer and was not thinking straight, her relatives should have had more sense - the dog was a healthy living being and should have had the right to a long life - not treated like some disposable throw away object. Every day thousands of dogs are destroyed because they have no chance of being placed in a home - that is not the case with a guide dog - there was no reason for this animal to have been put down. Tragic waste of its life and all its training. What a way to repay the service it had given. Shame.

  120. This is the most stupidest decision that I have heard. It is just plain wrong to kill a healthy animal that is doing no wrong and could have even helped another person.

  121. The- woman- was- truly- blind.- In- many- more- ways- than- her- eyesight.- Blind- to- life.- Blind- to- helping- others- who- might- have- needed- an- experienced- Guide- Dog.- No- remorse- this- cruel- woman- is- dead.- The- world- won't- miss- her.- I- have- sympathy- for- the- dog.- What- a- WICKED- and- Perverse- reward- for- a- job- well- done.- May- she- wander- the- afterlife- blind- and-hopelessly- lost.- Like- she- was- in- life.

  122. that poor dog could've been given 2another person who was blind. i don't understand why she wanted that poor dog 2be put down. i disagree with that decision 2have a healthy dog put down when he could've been give 2another person in need or a loving family 2live out his remaining yrs.

  123. Why couldn't her family look after Toffee as she must of be a great companion for her

  124. I think in the case of the Lady wanting the dog kill and bury with her, was wrong if she love the Dog so Much she would let it found a new Person who needed him and would love him, The real Way the Dog should have lived. the family or people who put the dog down, they crazy. they have no right to to take the poor dog life. he should have been honor for serving her not killed and Buried. This is totally the wrong thing to do. they should have said they would, but not killed the dog.

  125. I think the family was wrong they murdered the poor door after he help the lady. I don't think they had the right to kill the dog,to be with her, if she love that dog, she would have told her family that the dog should have found someone who needed him, and would love him like he deserved. this is so sad. and the family was really stupid for doing it.

  126. My god, what an awful woman. Toffee served her faithfully for 5 years & has been rewarded by having a life cut short. Absolutely disgusting & unforgivable !! Toffee should have been given to another blind person or alternatively been looked after by the family.

  127. What a horrible and selfish act of the woman and her family! Do we live in ancient Egypt? This innocent and healthy dog should have been allowed to help other blind people.

  128. What a selfish final wish. Ashame for whoever helped this woman fulfill her selfish wish. She didnt deserve to be given any guide dog in the first place. Can we make sure this will NEVER happen again?!

  129. This precious dog has been described as "healthy". I cannot imagine what kind of vet would kill a healthy pet just to fulfill the "death wish" of its owner. And how gruesome to have the dog displayed in the coffin with this woman. I see nothing redeeming about it at all and even though we don't know all the details and probably never will, what we do know is enough for me to say I think this was a terrible, cruel, unpardonable thing to do. I know absolutely that pets mourn, just as people mourn, and I believe people and animals can die of a broken heart. But this "healthy" dog deserved a chance at a full life. I have made arrangements for the care of my pets should anything happen to me, as should all responsible pet owners. This is a grotesque story.

  130. This is like killing your child and burying them with you. This is sick!

  131. I think it's horrible!!!! How could someone be so selfish!!! I have two wonderful dogs and I can't even imagine having someone kill them just because I died! This story makes me very sad. :(

  132. Maybe she thought he'd go to a shelter and no-one would adopt him after she died? It's hard to know, because if he did end up in a shelter, he would surely have been euthanised anyway... So maybe she did do this out of love and concern for him.... Maybe she had asked family members and nobody wanted him.... I hope that's the only reason she did it, because otherwise it was an extremely selfish decision to take his life just because she wanted him with her in the afterlife...
