Wednesday, January 9, 2013

REMOVE Pitbull Defense Spray from WALGREEN'S and all Store shelves!

REMOVE Pitbull Defense Spray from WALGREEN'S and all Store shelves!
The geniuses at Walgreens are selling pepper spray that is being marketed as “Pitbull Defense Maximum Strength Pepper Spray” because, you know, pitbulls are inherently violent and dangerous. 
If Walgreen must stock products such as this (for example personal safety protection aids - against other humans)...they really need to rethink their marketing approach. The name of the spray needs to be changed and absolutely NO PICTURES of any Pitbulls shown anywhere on the packaging.
You can also leave a comment on Walgreen’s Facebook page.


  1. Stop Retailers from Selling Products which Discriminate Against Certain Animal Breeds!
    Its stunts like this that not only make it more difficult to change how the pubic views pitbulls, it also encourages punks to continue to abuse pitbulls to make them fight and ensures that pitbuills will spend months, or even years in animal shelters because people are too afraid to adopt them.

    1. I agree that this breed shouldnt be spotlighted for this product. Maybe they shouldput their owners faces on the packages. However this is a great defense for people against any attack from any dog. A good example is that I have two smaller dogs and walk them down the road where two larger ones are constantly let out to roam lose. We have had two dog attacks on other dogs resulting in their death and excrutiating dismemberment while the owner could only watch and scream. I will be damned if I would allow that to happen to mine. I many times have decided to even carry my pocket knofe because I would do what I needed to protect my dogs who are properly leashed. I also work in rescue so I would be heart broken to ever cause injury to an animal but a spray is a better alternative to permanent injury or death for these situations. PitBulls arenot the enemy its the owners who are uneducated as to their natural breed instincts - as border collies will run circles around your yard and herd up the kids - in their breed they just have that instinct - they have never seen a farm animal in most cases. Pit bulls were breed to protect and attack - it runs in their blood and they are built for that purpose. Owners who respect their genetic makeup and know how to properly care for them and other pets and people around them - congratulations - you deserve a pat on the back and keep up the good work - for the rest of you - don't own an animal you disrespect and allow to become harmful to anyone . You wreck their lives and others due to ignorance.

    2. FROM: Walgreens Hi @Julie Blackwelder. We apologize to everyone about the pit bull spray that was only sold in 5 stores. We can assure you that this was not a corporately purchased item. It was never our company’s intent to condone the inappropriate singling out of any one breed of dog. Instead, a very small number of our stores obtained it for sale on their own. As a result of us becoming aware of the product, we have told those few stores who are carrying the item to stop selling it immediately. We also will ensure other locations don't carry it, too. Thank you and be well.
      52 minutes ago · Like

    3. I wrote on Walgreens facebook wall yesterday about this issue. They commented back today apologizing for the actions of 5 independent stores which purchased the breed specif spray without going through their corporate office. Those stores have been told to remove the products from the shelves and all other stores have been notified not to purchase these items. Walgreens said they will not have any breed specific products. Of course I am paraphrasing, but it should be on their wall.

  2. Why on earth would you want to force Walgreens to remove a product which could save people's lives, or the lives of innocent pets? Aren't we past the point of pretending that pit bulls don't account for a disproportionate number of serious and fatal attacks?

    Pit bulls don't have to be "abused" to make them fight they have been bred specifically for that since the 1800s. The real trick is to somehow get pit bulls not to try to kill other people's pets.

    As far as the animal shelters being stuffed with pit bulls, the cause is over-breeding. If the pit bull lobby would simply stop breeding a million more pit bulls a year than anyone wants, we would be well on our way to a solution.

    1. Its stunts like this that not only make it more difficult to change how the public views pitbulls, it also encourages punks to continue to abuse pitbulls to make them fight and ensures that pitbuills will spend months, or even years in animal shelters because people are too afraid to adopt them.

    2. The problem is not the selling of a pepper spray to protect oneself or your pet, the problem is their selling it as a Pitbul defense spray. I have worked with many pits
      as well as many other "nice" breeds, and not once was I ever afraid of a pit while more than once I had concerns about other dogs from the "nice" breeds. People who truly care about pitties are not the ones doing most of the breeding. And the fact that so many people breed them should tell you they are in fact, a very popular breed and if they were truly as agressive as they make them out to be, there would not be so many pits in shelters. It isn't their so called agressions that lands there, like the rest of the dogs in the shelter, they are there because of irresponsible people who don't understand the commitment it takes to raise a happy, well manered dog. When you have a child, you don't expect it to be able to raise him/herself right without a lot of love, dicipline and guidance from his/her parents. It is no different with an animal, any animal, but specially those who have the potential to do grat harm if not socialized properly. Agression is not a Pit problem, ANY dog can be raised to be a dangerous animal. Until people start realizing this, no one is truly safe. I think the spray can save lives, but it needs to be marketed right. And it needs to have some type of pamphlet educating people to use it responsibly. I'd also like to see a warning of possible animal cruelty charges if not used truly in self defense. I hate to say this, but more often than not, it is the animals who need the protection, not the other way around.

    3. Jake I agree about your ignorance concerning pitbulls, and probably all dogs in general. I also have a pitbull, an akita, a lab, a lab mix, and a min pin. They all live with 7 cats & they all get along fine, and yes they all live inside. The pitbull also goes into my chicken coupe and doesn't bother any chickens, just the poop!
      You need to guit listening to the media!!

    4. Statistically speaking you are 4 times more likely to be killed by a rottwieller, 3 times more likely by a chow and twice as likely by a german shepherd. Also the chances of it EVER happening is 0.00215% so sure TONS of lives are gonna be saved by pepper spraying all pitbulls you see.

      Actually you will probally kill someone with an allergy to pepper.

    5. Apparently, you know very little about bite statistics and pit bulls. It is people like you that perpetuate the fear of pit bulls and the violence and killing of these sweet, gentle dogs.

    6. Jake do you have or know any pitbulls? I happen to have two and my pitties who were rescues are the sweetest animals on the planet. My one is afraid of her own shadow and would kiss a room full of newborn babies repeatedly. If they want to sell a spray to defend yourself against a renegade attacking don't need to single out one breed to do that.

    7. Jake: Did you manufacture this product?? Pepper spray has been available to consumers for years, but it does not have to be marketed to "protect" yourself from "pit bull" type dogs. You are simply spewing the "hater" propaganda to fuel misconceptions about the breeds of dogs that make up the "pit bull" stereotype. I also own a Pit-x who was rescued from the "kill" list of a city pound. She is the smartest, most confident, least agressive, most playful and loving dog I have ever owned. My 10-lb mini Rat Terrier is far more aggressive; and when she acts aggressively toward my Pit-x, my Pit-x comes running to me as if to say, "Help me! She's at it again!" Almost every day I see someone with a "pit bull" type dog, or meet someone who owns one, has owned one, or has a family member or friend who owns one - and I do not live in the "hood." Despite what the "haters" claim, these "pit bull" type dogs are VERY popular, primarily because of their loving dispositio toward humans. PLEASE - get educated before you post.

  3. Jake, any animal can be considered dangerous. I have owned dogs my entire life... German Shephards, Rottweilers, Pitbulls, Golden Retrievers, Labs, Chow-Chow's. Some of the sweetest disposition, loyalest dogs have been the Pitbull and Rottie.

    For someone to state "Pit bulls don't have to be 'abused' to make them fight..." shows your ignorance on not only the breed but of your own narrow-mindedness. That type of thinking fuels continued ignorance on the breed.

    I own a Pitbull and a Labradoodle/mix. WHen I take them both to the dog park, it is the Labradoodle/mix that is the aggressive of the two dogs. And, don't think my dog is the "exception" to the rule. I know dozens of other pitbull owners that can tell you the same story about their pitbulls.

    Broaden your horizons and loosen your ignorance on the Pitbull breed.

    I'm signing this petition.

  4. You have to be kidding me how ignorant can this store get? you still don't get it do you ??? it's not the dogs it's the people behind the dogs take that s*** off your shelves.


    "We believe in working, not waiting; in laughing, not weeping; in boosting, not knocking and in the pleasure of selling products." - Charles Walgreen
    Company Overview..
    Walgreen Co. is the leading U.S. drugstore chain.
    The company's strategy is to be the nation's most convenient healthcare provider. Walgreens operates over 7,500 stores nationwide.

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  6. This is blatant discrimination against one breed of dog !! Not fair and will create more panic everywhere !! Many of these dogs are great companion's and deserve to not be "singled out" like this !! Take the stuff off the shelves , or re-label it as animal defense without a specific photo of a certain breed....
    C.J.Q./ Sioux Falls, SD.

  7. well my family has a pit that plays with a chewowa

  8. This needs to be stopped! This is just one more tactic to con the public into believing the ignorance that is put out into society about pitbulls and this will only encourage more violence towards these innocent...YES, I said INNOCENT animals! I shop Walgreen all of the time and if this is sold, not only will I ban it like I have so many other stores due to ignorance, but I will be as active against the store as I can to others!

  9. There are no bad dogs. The problem is the owners! Having these products only feeds people's ignorance on the subject. It's time people were educated on the matter.

  10. This has already been need for a petition. I received a message from Walgrens apologizing and stating that the product has been removed from the shelves.

    1. You have received a generic email from Walgreens..we all have the same one. FYI..those advocates who live in the area where the first batch of sprays were frist being sold..state that these sprays are still being seen through various stores. Please do not be fooled. The damage has already be done. Walgreen needs to publically apologise for their blatant stupidity and BSL crap!

    2. Hey, Cheryl Huerta ... good post.... can we get Walgreens to have the product label changed and the stuff back up for business before the next peaceful protester attack from Thugs Cops?

      Just get the product relabeled "Anti-Pig Defense Spray" and Walgreens will sell it by the house-truckload

    I have come across this 2012 EXAMINER NEWS LINK: Oct 15th - C Marabito.

    Can anyone please confirm this?


  12. Dear Jake, I disagree with you pitbulls natures are the way they are. You need to do some deep research on these loyal animals. If you would research them you would realize they are very loyal family dogs and great with children. Check your facts against hear say. There have been many people whose lives have been saved by this breed, because of it's loyalties to the people who own them and love them unconditionaly and don't miss treat them. I am sure humans attack and act out when they are not loved unconditionally or treated with nothing less than love.Please do some research at your local library before condemning this or any other breed.

  13. You pit bull "advocates" are so laughable. Walgreen's apologized yesterday, and you continue to maul the issue to death, kind of like the pit bull that kept on attacking my dog long after he submitted. See, normal dogs stop fighting when the other dog submits. Pit bulls are not normal dogs, and their owners and advocates continually prove to us, they are not normal people. Normal people know that dogs don't care about such things as a reputation. This is the only way a pit bull is a regular dog.

    If you "advocates" would start by being responsible in the first place, there wouldn't be the need for a product called "Pit Bull Spray". By the way, I suspect it's a low grade mace or pepper spray product, which doesn't always work on a pit bull. In fact, you may want to know what you need to get is "Grizzly Spray". If you are going to advocate for the pit bull, you would be hypocritical to not insist that "Grizzly Spray" have a change in name, as well as "Hornet Spray" and "Mosquito Spray", and "Weed Spray".

    Very sad, I wish I had this product, my dog may still be alive. Now I walk with a knife. Just two days ago, I again had a close call with a loose pit bull.

    Let Freedom Ring!

    1. Don't taint the name "Meals on Wheels" with your ignorant statements. Pepper spray has been available to consumers for YEARS, so you HAVE had it available to you, without the stereotyping product label. Though I empathasize with the loss of your dog, notably you mention another "close call" with a "loose" "pit bull". Did the dog charge/attack you or your dog (aggressive), or did it stand and bark (warning only, often fear based), or just come around and investigate (non-aggressive)? More importantly, did you inquire in the neighborhood as to who owns the dog and lets it run loose?? Did you call Animal Control on your cell phone? (Most people carry one these days.) In almost every jurisdiction, there are leash laws. The irresponsible owner of that dog needs to be cited for allowing his/her dog to run loose. No need for a knife, therefore. A cell phone is likely more effective.

  14. I agree with Jake -It appears the people repling to his comment are showing thier dogs up with thier own style of aggression and one eyed piont of view -What would they be like when the shoe is on the other foot and its one of thier family that has been maimed by an unprovoked pittbull attack -

  15. ***NOTE*** Walgreens has already issued multiple statements of apology stating these were independent owner purchases, not corporate and they have been ordered to remove and not sell as well as all other stores ordered not to purchase/sell. I saw these when checking on posts besides my own/family/friends this a.m. @ "Meals on Wheels" I am sorry for your loss and situation...the problem is not the breed, it's the owner, upbringing, lack of training and responsibility. I don't own a pit bull yet but have friends and family that do. I grew up afraid of dogs, was almost bitten by a pit bull as well as two other breeds. In the past they were actually used and honored for military and police services. Again, we need to market a spray for the irresponsible owner not the product of the stupid.

  16. I am incensed too!! There is a dog spray (no breed stated) that the Post Office has used for years. This is the appropriate spray. Pepper spray is for defense against humans. I spoke with a Police Officer who said, "NEVER use pepper spray on a dog because it has no affect on a dog other than to make them more angry and dangerous." It appears the wrong stray is being marketed for the wrong purpose.

    1. Andy, what you said seems to make sense even if one is ignorant like me about effect of such sprays on dogs. Its that we have to put this point forward infront of the ones who are in authority. Thank you for your valuable information.

  17. This is insane. Discrimination between animals who don't even understand what is? Humans seem to have decided to spread the disease of them among animals too. Such people make the task of people hard who want to make lives of animals better. Why do people shy away from their moral responsibilities by blaming others esp. animals who know nothing about why they are blamed and taken in bad light? Please help stop this trend and help me spread this message.

  18. I cannot believe that anyone is advertising selling and marketing such prodcts, and if they thought about it, any being who had that sprayed in their face I am sure would become very angry. If a dog was going to attack you it could be any dog and I dont think spraying pepper spray in their eyes would help them calm down. They might not be able to see you in this case but they could smell your scent. The biggest issue though is that no breed of dog should be discrimnated against. I believe these breeds to be gentle giants. It is man that has made them into a feared breed.

  19. Jake..Jayjay..Meals on Wheels...
    Un-Warranted Negative Stigma Unfortunately in today's society many people are ignorant about the American Pit Bull Terrier ( APBT ) dog breed. Because of this ignorance, proliferation by the media of false data and by the false reports of individuals, the Pit Bull has went from a highly respected and desired pet to one that is unfairly judged, and in many cases around the world, are seized due to prohibition of ownership laws known as Breed Specific Legislation ( BSL ).Additionally laws have been developed and rules established by "so called" humane organizations, which seek to practice euthanasia on these animals without even the opportunity of adoption or being sent to rescue associations.This unfair stigma has hurt the Pit Bull more than any other breed of dog and caused unrealistic fear within much of the general community. It is of the utmost importance for us as lovers of these beautiful and majestic animals to not promote this unfair negative stigma and counteract such negativism with truth both by example and word.To help promote the truth it is important for us to recognize the studies that have taken place which prove the true nature of the Pit Bull dog breed.Farmers Branch, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, has kept accurate records since 1980. During a 7 year period from 1980 through 1987, this is what was recorded. Total bites: 1,593. Pit Bulls accounted for 30 bites, or 1.89% of the total. Other studies tend to show the same results and because of so many mongrels that have similar features and the unfair lumping in with the American Pit Bull Terrier ( APBT ), it seems reasonable to assume that the figures are actually much lower. The American Temperament Test Society continually ranks Pit Bulls better in temperament than many other breeds. The Airedale Terrier, Basenji, Beagle, Bichon Frise, Border Collie, Chihuahua, Collie, Dachshund(4 of 6 varieties), English Setter, Lhasa Opso, Pomeranian, Shar-Pei, Shiba Inu, Shih Tzu, Schnauzer, and Toy Poodle.

    1. Agreed. "Meals on Wheels" lists a webpage entitled "pitnuttercircus", which indicates he/she is a "hater" who simply spews negative propaganda in order to get BSL instated throughout this country. He/she had a negative experience with a "pit bull" type dog, for which I feel for him/her, but it does not justify attempting to eradicate other people's pets. I am just as incensed at the use of the name "Meals on Wheels" by this "hater". "Meals on Wheels" is a charitable organization that brings food to people who are homebound. They would NEVER sponsor or be associated with a webpage called "pitnuttercircus". This person needs to STOP hiding behind that organization's name!

    Walgreens Sells Pit Bull Pepper Spray -- Then It Doesn't.
    Incredibly, the retailer had this idiotic product on store shelves -- until dog lovers got wind of it.

    Once news of this trash hit blogs such as Seattle Dogspot and Justice for Mary, people got mad, and they acted. Facebook pages such as Boycott Walgreens and Anti-Walgreens went up, and more importantly, calls were made to Walgreens. The individual stores, with people demanding to talk to the managers. That sort of thing. Good stuff.
    Corporate Walgreens has also been busy, posting apologies to blogs and the Facebook pages, including its own. Here's one from the Justice for Mary site:

    We apologize to everyone about the pit bull spray that was only sold in five stores. We can assure you that this was not a corporately purchased item. It was never our company's intent to condone the inappropriate singling out of any one breed of dog. Instead, a very small number of our stores obtained it for sale on their own. As a result of us becoming aware of the product, we have told those few stores who are carrying the item to stop selling it immediately. We also will ensure other locations don't carry it, too. Thank you and be well.


  21. As a responsible dog breader I can tell you that there is no defensive spray you could buy that would make any difference if you are being attacked by any bread of dog. I bread golden retriever's and bernies mountain dogs. When they get there mind in fight mode thats it. The only thing that stops them and any other bread of dog that I have dealt with is plane and simple water! Thats it! So to act like you are selling some special pepper spray for a bread of dog that was bread physical to fight is misrepresenting stop picking on one bread of dogs when the number one bit rate go's to...... German shepherds! Hurry now ban most of the police dogs and a lot of farm dog's that i've noticed at lest.

  22. Pitbulls are great pets, I've had them all my life and never once had any aggression issue. They do, however, require training. Like any breed with a high prey drive, training will teach them how to direct their energy in a way that is safe. So before you go out and look for Blue pitbull puppies please make sure you have a training plan.

  23. Anyone who knows anything about businesses would know that though Walgreens is a corporation, they are run by store managers who decide on certain products they carry. Yes, those managers who decided to carry that spray are misinformed and scared, but all the people who are bashing all chains of Walgreens are making the same misinformed statements as those against pit bulls. Any dog can be violent when brought up abused, same as people. There is a reason that pit bulls used to be called the nanny dog. Do research before making statements that make you look like a fool to those who know different.

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