Monday, January 14, 2013

Purina's Beneful dog food killing dogs nationwide; No recall issued by FDA ..

Purina's Beneful dog food killing dogs nationwide; No recall issued by FDA ..

For those of us with pets, often they are members of the family. Their care and health are important to us and when something goes wrong it can be devastating. 
If you care about your canine pet, this is a must read.
Here is how you can help...>>>


  1. Replies
    1. IN THE LINK..Donna..:)

    2. Thank you Jayne for the info....I have been reading a bit of the threads here and in my opinion READ THE animal-by-products and no animal fat...all supermarket dog food comes from China in the ingredients ex: animal fat it should say chicken fat the FDA does not regulate dog food they can put anything they want in it all the dead animals are picked up from all over the world and sent to China and they process it and put it in the dogfood....BOYCOTT CHINA I have for a long time now...ALL OF OUR DOGS AND CATS ARE EATING DOGS AND CATS AND ALL OTHER DEAD ANIMALS THAT HUMANS DON'T EAT....SO AGAIN READ THE LABEL AND DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK....

  2. I am not inclines to believe this. These deaths will to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it was indeed because they were fed Beneful. Many dogs are sensitive to different brands. You would probably find similar numbers if you investigated Purina and most other brands. I know of no one that has had this problem. How do we know that many of these illnesses were not pre-existing and aggravated by this brand? My dogs (Pekinese) have eaten it for years and gotten clean bills of health for all nutrients and no illness whatsoever. You're gonna have to come up with more and better facts.

    1. Hi Gary, thankyou. Im just posting the news link...ppl can choose to look into this..or not...its their own choice. All the best. J
      NEWS LINK:


    2. Here is a link for you should you choose to click it>>

    3. My dog eats this food and has not had any illnesses. I have not noticed anything different with her..I got her when she was 8 weeks old and this is what the breeder was feeding her and she is 6 months old now and still eating it

    4. Gary, as a vet tech of over 30 plus years, I can tell you that 95% of the time, when we had a dog come in with diarrhea, vomiting of unknown causes, we traced it back to the one thing they all had in common. BENEFUL.
      I personally spoke with a purina rep and was told that no one else had complained and that perhaps why the statistics showed all these dogs that were sick was because it was a popular brand for our area.. HOGWASH

    5. When I first got my German Shepard the people I got him from feed him Beneful, he hated it! They told me he hardly ever ate and he was skinny. I immediately knew it was because he didn't like Beneful and put him on a different food. He loves to eat now and has gained weight.

      We took care of a friends dog for 3 weeks who ate beneful, our friends told us their dog only nibbles at her food. So I figured it was because she didn't like beneful and I was right, we feed her our dogs food and she ate like never before. Well when they got back from vacation and took her back, they put her on Beneful again, she stopped eating again. A year later she got sick and died.

      My sister and nephew have a dog and they told me they were going to give her Beneful because it was cheap and they couldn't afford to buy other dog food. I told them not to do that because I thought beneful was bad for dogs, they gave it to her anyway and she started having seizures, they took her off of it immediately and she got better.

      Because of all of this I looked up Beneful and the effects it was having on dogs and there were many stories from people who posted about how sick their dogs got from eating Beneful and some of them died.

    6. If the one of the first 3 ingrediants is NOT MEAT it is crap. By products and corn are just filler and almost empty of good stuff....Beneful is garbage.

      'LOVE is, NEVER having to say, your SORRY'.....

    8. A few weeks ago in the news I heard purina were responsible for contaminated chicken jerky treats made in china, and china refused to do TESTING. So there ARE killers on our shelves. I find it (not so funny-as Im a dog lover) that you guys are saying my dog is fine on it. OMG really , you are still defending a food brand that 'could' be responsible for making your pet sick and instead have not decided to buy your food in future from the vet or pet store, or even online at a saving ( is very cheap). Why are you feeding your dog supermarket crap anyway? I was stupid once too, and you are not considering the quality of life or anything past "My dog is doing fine". My dog died at 9 years old, he had to be put down because of his health. he has lost his teeth, had a chronic skin condition and his quality of life reduced so much he had to be PTS.I had him from puppy. I only ever fed him the best food i could get from the supermarket, and at low times he was on the cheapest i could find. My next dog died at age 15 having been on eukanuba and iaams, then holistic, hills diet and advance.I KNOW it was my responsibility to give them quality of life. Your dogs food is the most important thing to consider when thinking about life years.I have done a bit of research on foods, and having had my first litter of staffies, no cost was too much, my pups have gone to new homes with ADVANCE food, just because your dogs breeder had their dogs on crap, doesnt mean its ok! it just means they didnt know any better, you now know better, so are you really going to rob your pet of years of life because you didnt make the best decision ever? Please dont compromise your pets life with sub standard food and in this case possibly a death sentence for your loved one.
      In my opinion, even if this article is NOT true, you are still doing your pet no favours by feeding it supermarket food, it is full of fillers, and what products, dogs are carnivours not farmers, and corn is dangerous. I even have printouts that go in my puppy packs on the dangers of food with corn. dont be ignorant. next you to go to buy your 'much loved' pet food, look at the label, and if meat meal is not the first ingredient, dont touch it!!!!! you have the opportunity right now to give your pet a better and longer life.

  3. Gary, I'm kind of with you on this one. My dogs eat Beneful and have for a long long time. I actually have tried to bring in more "high quality" "brands but the dogs generally do not like them as much plus my partner is resistant to my getting other types of dog food for them. But I will be keeping any eye on them & if they show any symptoms of anything I will get them checked out right away. Thanks.

    1. Hi...just posting the news..ok! Its up to you whether you look into BENEFUL or not...its your own choice. GOOD FOR YOU if your pets are healthy, thats great news to hear.Sadly though whilst doing some research many pets havent been so healthy. All the best to you..:)
      Here is a link for you should you choose to click it>>

    2. THERE ARE better foods in the market for your pets ! beneful is one of the worst foods to give to them. Yes they may like it but dogs also love chocolate! Are you going to feed them what they like and can kill them eventually? Go to this site and find better food for them. It is not more expensive than the food you are buying now!

      Beneful is one of the worst foods you can feed your dog! be informed on what the best foods are for your pets!

    3. i was just looking through the petitions and learned about the dog food, This dog food has caused my dogs to coughing up blood and bloody stools and i never made the connection until i stop feeding them the beneficial dog food when they eat kibbles n bits they are fine its only when they eat the other brand they seem to get ill

  4. I have been feeding my 5 year old Aussie Shepherd that I adopted for about 4 years now the Beneful Healthy Radiance Formula. He is very healthy and has maintained a proper weight, about 65 pounds. His coat is very soft and shiny and is eyes are bright. He has not had a sick day in his life. While i appreciate the pet owners sad stories, they are realistically only anecdotal. If one can scientifically prove that the Beneful formulas are faulted for their dogs illnesses, then there would be a case against Purina, but there is no cause and effect relationship that is proved by these unfortunate stories. So, keep up the good work, but keep it scientific.

    1. Hi...just posting the news..ok! Its up to you whether you look into BENEFUL or not...its your own choice. GOOD FOR YOU if your pets are healthy, thats great news to hear.Sadly though whilst doing some research many pets havent been so healthy. All the best to you..:)
      Here is a link for you should you choose to click it>>

    2. It is sad to hear stories of poor pets suffering. Posting anecdotal stories one reads on the Web and actual research studies are really different things. I, for one, would be very interested in seeing research done on Purina, as well as the so-called high-priced "Natural" pet foods and see what the evaluations are on nutrition, additives, and any toxic substances.

    3. What is happening is that many grocery store brand dog food companies are feeding their "bottom line" by substituting grain (vegetables, some apples are great, but not grain) for animal protein, this way they save money. Trouble is, many dogs are either allergic to grain (mine is, bully breeds seem to have a particularly vulnerability) or just do better without so much grain. I have know many, many people who started their dogs on the admittedly more expensive "grainless" dog foods, and their dogs do much better. I don't know anything specific about Benefil, but I'd bet this is the one of the issues with them. I would not feed my dog Purina. Just my views.

  5. Thank you I have personally seen these affects happen with my dog buddy. thank you fore this helpful. information


  7. I must agree with Melissa. I have 6 dogs and including the rescues recently added. I noticed a change. I changed their food and in a couple of days they came back around. But not without hand feeding or lifting them outside because they didn't want to do anything. I changed to holostic food and all are well. Thanks for posting and making all aware.

  8. Ok - let's get the facts !!! My babies been eating for years now. Purina suppose to be good.

  9. Well I changed from beneful to dog chow. Its the same brand. I have a keen sense of smell and I noticed with the last large bag of dog food smelt so bad, not your normal dog food smell. The second bag smelt not as stong. It smelt like bleach. Idk what's the truth except I have a strong sense of smell and the dog food by purina doesn't smell normal.

  10. My dog will vomit and have diarrhea if I change her food habits to anything new regardless of brand. She has been on beneful for the last five years and she is a fourteen year old lab. She has always been on healthy weight but we switched her slowly to fiesta and she has been in that for about last two years since it came out. Unless Purina has completely declined their product recently...I just can't see this. I am not saying this isn't the case..but every dog is different and just like people we all have variable health problems that can be aggregated by diet. I just need more specifics before I can make an assessment. It's just as dangerous to change a dogs diet spontaneously.

  11. I quit feeding Beneful way back mid-summer. I only bought 2 big bags, enough to give my dog a crusty skin condition. The vet asked what I was feeding, I told her. She said great commercial, bad dog food-too much corn. She said stop feeding Beneful & the condition of his coat went back to normal within a wk. or 2. Glad I didnt do more damage

  12. I quit feeding Beneful way back mid-summer. I only used 2 big bags, enough to give my dog a crusty skin condition. My vet asked me what was I feeding him. I told her, she said too much corn & stop feeding it. In a very short time the coat went back to fine condition

  13. 3 weeks after switching to Beneful my 11 year old rat terrier developed urinary problems-its been 2 months since I changed him back to his regular food but its too late, he's in renal failure and the vet cannot help him-he was healthy all his life, no issues at all, now after 3 weeks of Beneful he's dying.

  14. If you want to know the horrific manufacturing standards of Nestle Purina and other big pet food companies, you might check snopes, as noted above, and follow
    If you didn't take note of the huge numbers of pet deaths that occurred in 2007, you might not be prepared to believe that most big companies use Chinese products and manufacturing (sometime "finishing" products in the US so that they can claim it as "made in America." Remember what the Chinese food standards have done to human food products?

  15. Mold or not, Beneful is an extremely poor quality dog food. Any time you have meat byproducts (feathers, beaks, hooves, tumors etc), cheap undigestible grains (corn, soy etc), artificial preservatives and food color, you are feeding your dog crap. That is common sense. A good site which provides more information, reviews and ratings of dog foods based on ingredients is

  16. Over Xmas we ran out of our dogs vegan dog food and ran to Safeway for a bag of Salmon Beneful. Within 4 days her appetite had gone away. Day 5 the stomach bile vomiting started. Day 7 white stringy vomit. This went on for days. She refused all food at this point. She didn't eat for days and then ate a bread bun. Gradually she got back on her food but it took almost two weeks. We had seen this pattern before a few times a year. Beneful had been our go to food but she always lost interest in it after a few days. This past 'attack of gastritis' was the worst. Thankfully I have read about the Beneful now and will never never feed it to her again.

  17. Well, I studied the ingreadiance in dog foods for a long time. The big companies use products that "are not fit for humans" that means its the sick cows,chickens whatever...the ones government won't let us eat. Its full of chemicals and nothing is illigal to use, there are no rules, so if it says" meat" and doesn't say what kind, it can be rat, or any research animal that has been uthinized. Drugs and all. There are no laws and dogs get cancer from this. It takes years of eating it but in a huge number of dogs, it causes tumors and cancer and they die young. Dogs that eat human food or the expensive holistic stuff live much longer and disease free. Dogs used to live till 17 or even its 10 yrs max often cancer riddled with this food they sell in the super market. Fda does not care but if you want less vet bills in their old age and a longer life, skip the cheep crap and buy organic or feed table food...that is acctually thee best but dog food lobbys push so hard to get people to belive its bad. How can better quality meat and veggies be worse then some dried up scraps mixed with corn and soaked in chemicals and rancid oil? Not logical

  18. This is SHIT. It came to this reader through Facebook "causes," which CONSISTENTLY appears with a certain type of formatting, and the link to the site on which I am writing now in NO WAY resembles that.

    Being an "educated" consumer (i.e., more "educated" than >90% of the general population), I suspect that this misleading "come-on" through Facebook Causes is likely a COMMERCIALLY-MOTIVATED HOAX.

    P.S.: MY dog lived to a ripe old age, and recently passed away from NON-DIETARY RELATED/old age causes, almost exclusively consuming Purina/Beneful products. PLEASE STOP ATTEMPTING TO PUSH THROUGH COMMERCIALLY-DRIVEN "CON" POSTS, most closely parallel to to the scare tactics attempted by a past "urban legend" regarding pet deaths due to a certain brand of floor-cleaning product.

    Going to post a warning against such things on Facebook. Thanks for the evidence.

    1. Hi...just posting the news..ok! Its up to you whether you look into BENEFUL or not...its your own choice. GOOD FOR YOU if your pets were healthy and lived to a great age, thats lovely to hear, thats great news to hear.Sadly though whilst doing some research many pets havent been so healthy. All the best to you..:)
      Here is a link for you should you choose to click it>>

  19. Jayne cvetanoski
    What are the symptoms please?
    My 6 y/o pit is hospitalized with neuro deficits. He eats benefit every day. Dry and wet

    1. All the best to you..:)
      Here is a link for you should you choose to click it>>
      There is info in this link..

  20. Maybe at some point, people will wake up and figure out that MOST commercial dog (and cat!) foods are not the healthiest diet for our animals. Do your kids life on a complete diet of hot dogs and hamburger helper? I hope not!

  21. It amazes me that the people on here are willing to gamble the life of their dog or cat because they see no sign of illness yet, some illness's go undetected for years, what dog or cat would walk into a field of wheat or corn and eat it even if starving, they are meant to eat meat they are decended from wolves and wolves eat meat, as soon as I heard what kibble has in it, I stopped feeding them any kind of kibble and went onto raw meat, alas it was too late for one of my dogs who had cancer, but she lived for another 18 months after switching to raw, when she had only been given 4 - 6 months, I will never feed kibble of any make, to any animal I own again. For anyone in any doubt they should read what kibble contains, euthanized cats,dogs, rats, roadkill, and all the chemicals used to euthanize, and that's only a small part. There is plenty of information on google about the dangers of feeding kibble of any kind to dogs and cats if you care enough to look.

  22. Thank you for this info. My dog Gizmo ate this food. He developed seizures after 9 years of perfect health. The vet prescribed phenobarbital. Did not help much. He passed away two weeks ago. Please help other pet owners know this. I feel aweful. I have informed friends and family.

  23. Hi...I feed both my rescue dogs Beneful. They never appeared to have problems until last year when my once healthy working dog of 6 years was suddenly diagnosed with Addison's Disease after his body began shutting down.
    Could this food have been the cause?
    Any thoughts would be greatly I have to give him meds and monthly injections the rest of his life. I'm still trying to figure out how this happened...a sometimes "genetic illness" that his brother in another state has no signs of...
    Thank you.

  24. dog food an unregulated industry.
    grain is known to cause cancer.
    google bad dog food...
    many need to get informed.
    your dog scratch. on meds for it?
    food allergies over the top in dogs.
    look at ingredients. would u eat it?
    i know what soem say....its only a dog.
    well that dog looks to you as its savior...
    treat your best friend with respect.
    feed them a high quality non grain food.
    over time will cost less. no vet visits....

  25. What a magnificent achievement! You can be pround on so many levels! Thanks a lot for sharing this story. I’d like some advice too.
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  26. Wake up people! It's not rocket science! Has anyone who feeds Beneful read the ingredient list? It's all garbage and no meat. It's the same as feeding your children McDonald's everyday for every meal. They might not show any negative effects but you wouldn't do it because you know it's garbage. Why would you do this to your dog?

  27. My dogs ate this for awhile and then they started to hate it. It was giving them diarrhea. I had them to the vet and we put them on a vet prescribed food, Royal Canine which was very good. Now, I may know what the problem was!! I have learned one thing, you really have to read the labels and pay attention to what goes into your animals mouths. Sometimes, I will mix people food into the dog food and my dog loves it. Thankfully, my dog is over 14 years old and just had his senior checkup - he's going strong. :) I lost my other dog to cancer last June, she was 14 years old when she passed away. Missing her always. Sometimes, people give their animals food that they can afford - not everyone can spend a lot of money on the best dog food, nor can they spend money on the best of people food. Not justifying - just saying.

  28. I may know what the click here problem was!! I have learned one thing, you really have to read the labels and pay attention to what goes into your animals mouths. Sometimes,

  29. "BENEFUL by PURINA is KILLING our DOGS!" This is a new FB group started less than three days ago.. Beneful has banned most of us from posting. They are LYING to us.. their "food" should be renamed BeneFullofPoison! Is it Aflatoxin poisoning? Artificial Vit K? Is it the "Animal Digest" or "Byproducts.. GMO corn? Other reports are starting to arrive with us of CATS falling sick on Purina One.. vac-pack this crap now... if you are feeding YOUR animal, STOP NOW and get ready to call the FDA..

  30. My dog went into seizure after his very first bowl of beneful, he did continous seizure until he died!!!!

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  40. Glad to have come across this. My dog has been eating Beneful healthy radiance since before we got him. His previous owner was feeding him this, so I kept giving him what he was used to. But this past year he's been having horrible seizures on and off. It seems as if his hind legs become paralyzed, or cramp up. He vomits while the seizure is going on. It's just horrible seeing a dog go through this.
    I am not taking chances, between the FDA figuring out if its good or bad, I'm not feeding this crap to my dog any longer. Reading labels from now on!
