Sunday, January 20, 2013

'London,' two-legged pitbull, to appear at trial of accused abusers..

'London,' two-legged pitbull, to appear at trial of accused abusers..

London the pit bull, whose front legs were amputated after he suffered horrific abuse, will have his day in court Tuesday when his former owners go to trial on charges of animal cruelty, neglect and torture.

London will be in the courtroom when Dr. Brandon Sherman, the vet who performed surgery on him, and Amanda Giese of Panda Paws Rescue, who cared for him after surgery, testify in the trial of Zachary Hinton and Sarah Anderson.?fId=187590591&fPath=/news/local&fDomain=10212


  1. How horrifically macabre are the owners HUMAN? This poor dog has suffered unimaginable cruelty at the hands of these sub-normal a spanner short of a tool box creatures feel sorry for them as well as the dog do not know who needs the most help really I am completely flummoxed...

    1. Could not agree more with you on this these people need mental help as for the dog its very sad to see this .

    2. Anyone that could be so cruel to another for no other reason that for their own twisted amusement, should not be free in society! These are psyhcopaths that are a 1/2 of a whim away from killing a raping!

  2. May the judge see the horror London's abusers perpetrated, and may they burn in hell forever. Thank you, Dr. Sherman, and Amanda Giese for helping save him and assisting in his silent testimony.

  3. The abusers should be taken straight to the gallows for a good old fashioned hanging, which would be too good for them but would rid the world of 2 who deserve the death penalty as do all who abuse animals

  4. Would be nice to punish those abusers by abusing them legally the same way they abuse animals!

    1. I agree whole heartedly! If we could do to them publicly what they did to an innocent animal,it would cut down on the number of animal abusers worldwide.

    2. if we could do to them publicly what they did to the innocent dog it would cut down on the number of animal abuse cases worldwide.

  5. Seriously I hope they hang these two ! They both deserve to have both their arms severely fractured to the point of amputation and made to live the life they chose for London. Talk about two worthless human beings !!!

  6. well i hope the presence of sweet london will enable the judge to give these vile people a stiff punishment

  7. Dear God in Heaven what did those fiends do to this poor dog? The evil we do to the most helpless among us will kill the Human Race faster than any disease...signed and shared.

  8. The people who commited this abuse need to have their limbs cut off before they're thrown off a bridge.

  9. I hope they get the longest time for that crime! No poor baby needs owners like that, not ever...

  10. What a beautiful dog. I hope they throw the book at his abusers!

  11. I hope the abusers get the same in return!

  12. I hope they get severely punished and a record is kept so they can never be pet owners again!

  13. I would love to be there to see this. Evil people no two ways about it.

  14. MONSTERS, PLAIN AND SIMPLE! There is a special place in hell for people like this!! May they rot in it.

  15. Fortunately, dogs live in the moment and London will accept what has happened to him. It's not right that this should have happened and I hope that the owners receive the maximum sentence. London should then live in an understanding and happy forever home.

    1. Well put and so true. There are many times I wish my mind operated the way a dog's mind works. They can't look to tomorrow nor can they reminisce. A dog's nose is so developed and scent is the first sense they have and tends to be the most developed and what they rely on to guide them through their lives. What people don't realise is the odors that poor dog was taking in at the moment of his abuse are now logged into a part of his brain, in that, should he be exposed to those odors again it will trigger an emotional response. An example would be if this guy used a certain cologne or there were onions in the fry pan at the time of his abuse. Those odors will trigger an emotionally response from London. That also holds true for sights, sounds, a touch. I use to compete in frizbee with one of my dogs. She loved to practice to Wild Nights by John Melloncamp. Till her lasts days on earth (16.5 yrs) she'd hear those first few notes and her head would pop up, her tail would wag and she'd look around with such a glimmer to her eyes. She associated that song to being all energetic and happy. Folks that's why its important to train using a positive based method. And learn HOW your dog sees the world. It's not at all like the way we see it. Learn and love your dogs, they are God's special gift to us on earth. And remember, "If you need to mend your heart, save a shelter dog and he'll save you right back."


  17. What bothers me the most about the trial, is that London will be subjected to being in the same room as the people who abused him. How absolutely horrifying for the poor dog! I understand the thinking in that once the judge sees the dog, he will realize what was done to him, however, has anyone considered the trauma that will be unleashed inside this dog when he sees his previous abusers? Dogs don't forget! I am so sorry this poor animal will have to relive what was dealt to him previously through his memories. I hope the vet has the presence of mind to have some sedatives at the ready in case London needs them. Poor dog - I hope this is the last time he will ever have to see those people again!

    1. 3doggiesnme; scroll up to my Jan 20 1128pm post. I agree in part with you but, let me reassure you that unless London gets close enough to get a nose on them or they yell out in the court room just being in the same room with them sitting at a table won't likely trigger any emotion. Trust me on that. But, like you, my heart aches for this dog and all the others that are so unloved.

  18. Even if they get time, what ever time they do will never be enough because they'll get out and continue their evil against other dogs. That is unless, we cut off their front legs. That's how people (oppps) didn't mean to say that. I ment to say scum bags, that's how scum bags like them should be dealt with. Or better yet.....OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! SIMPLE, PROBLEM SOLVED! MOE-RONS

  19. Send him away for a long time. If that was a person he would be sent away. Animals are a living, breathing being. God did not put them here for us to abuse, but to care for them. So do let him get away with that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I am truly hoping with the testimony of Dr Sherman, Amanda Giese and actually seeing London will be enough to convict these two horrible and violent, sorry excuse of human beings. The problem is the punishment for animal abuse is not nearly fitting to the crime. Most states do now have felony abuse laws but many still only give up to 1 yr in prison. Some do have 5 years for events of torture or mutilation, but it will still not be enough. My only hope is that it is a felony in this state, they do have torture laws, and there are multiple counts; so they can receive more than just a few years. This case turns my stomach at the thought these horrible people could be free in a year or two years.
    Please everyone regardless where you live, check the laws of your state and write your Congressmen and Senators to fight for tougher punishments. These poor animals can not speak for themselves, we have to be their voice!

  21. He must be kept away, pure evil must be stopped. He is pure pure evil.

    1. who is pure evil? The way I'm taking your content is your saying that London is pure evil..I hope I'm taking this wrong and forgive me if I am but you really need to explain who you are talking about

  22. It's good to know these two idiots will be prosecuted.

    And even more heart warming to hear that London survived and is thriving. With all the depressing stories about horrific animal abuse, I need to hear the good outcomes of the causes I support! Thank you for sharing this.

  23. It is time to take animal abuse very serious. Too many animal criminals running loose.

  24. I am also worried about London and what his reaction will be when he sees these cruel people. I think we should cut off there arms and throw them in the river also. And I also agree that punishment should fit the crime..They should have a special place in jail for animal abusers and for one hour a day all other prisoners should be told what theses people have done to an animal and we should let all the prisoners loose on them to administer their punishment they see fit for these cruel people, with no interference for the guards. Like I said let there punishment fit their crime. But our system won't let that happen because they don't care.they give these people a slap on the wrist and send them home..If they stand to face a terrible fate then maybe there would be less animal abuse in the world.


  26. And then the authorities and everyone keeps honking pitbulls are dangerous and attack people. What ahsmalessness...
