Saturday, January 5, 2013

Camarillo man pleads no contest to torching family dog Read more: -

UPDATE ON ANDREW DELGADO.. Camarillo man pleads no contest to torching family dog. An 18-year-old Camarillo man has pleaded no contest to setting his family's basset hound on fire in a high-profile criminal case that drew national attention. Andrew Delgado on Friday pleaded no contest to one count of animal cruelty and one count of arson on a property. He will be sentenced Feb. 13. Ventura County Superior Court Judge Kevin McGee told Delgado that he could be sentenced to as many as three years behind bars. However, McGee said that Judge Bruce Young, who will issue the sentence, has indicated he will sentence Delgado to no more than 16 months in jail. He could also consider probation with a sentence of up to a year in jail.



    1. his face is now known.and what will be will be.. Hopefully as part of his punishment he will be educated in things. Also I hope that he is medically examined as he is clearly not of sound mind....KARMA.....

    2. so once again a judge will slap the criminal crazies hand and say don't do this again. when is the law going to make the consequences to criminal action stiffer and teach a lesson to these idiots. who will be hurt by DELGADO next?

    3. Ok, first of all the maximum jail time needs to happen. When a human being torches their dog I personally think it should be considered a felony. Once they get away with that their next step is burning, stabbing, shooting another person. Let him out early so this would be possible is irresponsible of the legal system. Give him MINIMUM 4yrs to sit in jail to think about what he has done. And hopefully another inmate will kick his damn ass. I hope that justice is served.

    4. Okay, first of all. He should get maximum penalty. If he doesn't this will b what will happen. When a human being abuses a animal it usually leads to burning, stabbing or shooting of a person (s). They are psychopaths. If he gets a mimimum sentence then he will b fre e to do these things anywhere he wants. The Judge should give him the 4yrs which is absolutely ridiculous it should be at least 10-15 yrs. Anyway, give him the 4yrs so he can sit in jail and think about what he did. And hopefully another inmate will kick his ass to the ground for what he did.

    5. I agree with you Carola. That is NO WHERE near long enough to make this savage pay for what he did to that poor dog!!

    6. trailer trash like this 1 should be torch to death

    7. Gee, and aren't all the news media crying about why no one caught that lunatic before he murdered his mother and all those children in Sandy Hook? Here's a clear case of a dangerous loony, who will surely go on to torturing and killing children if he isn't locked away, and the judge is considering letting him go with probation?! What kind of sense does that make?

      --Leslie <;)))>< Fish

    8. definitely not long enough and severe enough. he should be mentally evaluated and put away for along time. people like him will eventually to harm to a person.

    9. Hey Kurt Kaltreider,
      You have a talent for removing context from a statement and focusing on a word. "Savage" has many meanings not just your "simply" defined version. And since we are off topic; which "white man" brought animal abuse here? I personally would like to know which one to blame. --Perhaps you meant white MEN, or the white PEOPLE. "the white man" simply means one (1) Caucasian male. --See what I did there?

    10. Well how about that Judge,
      Is he out of his mind??? Abuse is Abuse, period!! A slap on the wrist, is just not enough to deter others from doing the same or worse.
      P.S. Shame on you

    11. Send this to the ALDF! They will help get the full sentence, which I think is still not enough.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. Are you kidding. That judge needs to be sentenced if he isn't going to sentence this man. Even the three years isn't long enough. He should be sentenced to life, he took a life he does not deserve one. Besides it is already known that these people turn into serial killers. Maybe the Judge will be his first victim.

    14. This isn't easy to admit but I once did a year in county jail for driving w/o a license. County jail is MUCH harder time than state prison. Little known fact. The most a judge can sentence a person is a year in jail. County jail allows much fewer privileges and harsher conditions than prison. Any more than a year and the sentence must be served in state prison. I vote he gets the year in jail and then the probation which he will probably violate and then be returned to jail for another year. This would be the harshest of the three options.

    15. Oh, and stop trashing the judges involved for "weakling and spineless" sentences. What you really need to complain about is the sentencing guidelines for animal cruelty. The maximum sentences in the entire US are far too lenient and these judges can't unilaterally ignore them. Send a letter to your Congressman or Senator to demand the penalties be raised.

    16. I agree. The laws need to change in order for authorities to be able to sentence these dangerous people accordingly. We are Animal Control Officers in Ky. It's like our hands are tied and it's pitiful. Send letters, emails and phone calls!

    17. The laws must be changed in order to be able to charge these potentially dangerous people accordingly. I am an Animal Control Officer in Ky. We feel like our hands are tied and it's pitiful. Send letters, emails and phone calls to get things changed!

    18. The laws must be changed in order to be able to charge these potentially dangerous people accordingly. I am an Animal Control Officer in Ky. We feel like our hands are tied and it's pitiful. Send letters, emails and phone calls to get things changed!

    19. ANDREW DELGADO is pure and evil scum, if he not stopped now..he will most likely be in the news next for killing a human. MANY THANKS FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS!

    20. Maybe he will find himself in a cell with an animal lover named Bubba, (if you get my drift). Cigar smoking, fat, bald, mean ass Bubba. Nice dream, eh?

    21. I think what he did to that dog should be done to him, how else are we going to get through to these sickos, unless they thmselfs suffer the say way as the animal he torched suffered.

    22. I think we should set up a cause to get Judge Bruce Young disbarred.!~!~! He should not be allowed to sit on a court bench.!~!~! Six months for burning that poor dog.!~!~! Since Judge Bruce Young feels that 6 months is long enough we should take the judge out & set him on fire so he can see how it feels.!~!~! If the judges would start giving stiffer sentences then maybe, just maybe it would sink in & these idiots would stop doing the horrible things that have happening to all of the innocent animals.!~!~! The same for the people who think they have a right to go out & steal & murder people.!~!~! These judges need to open their eyes & see what is happening to the animals & people.!~!~! Lets get Judge Bruce Young off the bench.!~!~!~!~!

    23. What needs to be investigated is the menal health of this person. To set an innocent and defenseless animal on fire takes a warped mind. But mental health is not something the "system" seems to care much about either!

  2. I am disgusted at this weakling judge who has already committed to a low sentence. Too many judges today are afraid to give a tough sentence and send the right message...unless politics are involved and then watch them suddenly grow a spine.

    No matter what this judge gives this bastard, he will have to answer to a higher authority for his sin .

    Yes Delgado there is a hell.

    1. Thankyou Sigrid, i am disgusted in this Judge too!

  3. Not good enough! This guys needs to go straight to prison, no probation, and 3 years is a slap on the hand...I think 20 sounds decent.

    1. Yep, that sounds about right Crystal.Now that his face is known he wont have much fun on the outside either I hope.

    2. I wish that the people who live in his area stand outside the prison with signs saying what he did and hope to God that some prisoners who love animals will do this guy in. If not kill him then rape him until he bleeds the whole time he's in prison and if justice is to be done he ends up with AIDES


  4. Shame on Judge Bruce Young for even considering such a light sentence! This is a future serial killer, & he deserves not only the maximum sentence in prison, but also some serious psychiatric help.

    1. I agree completely... this SOB is a serial killer in the making. If he's not stopped in some way today, we'll be reading about his shooting up a temple or school or theater later on.

    2. This Judge needs his head examined!

  5. I wonder if the judge has the thought I just had...imagine the pure agony that buddy endured..doubt it. . when will the justice system stand up and giveaway jail time to these sick people. torturing a defenseless animal lecturing purest form of evil..

    1. You are right Lisa,this is just not enough punishment!!!

    2. We have to keep fighting for the animals. ANIMAL CRUELTY needs to be taken seriously!

  6. Hurting an animal is the first sign of sociopath...this is not the last we hear of him...I guarantee it

    1. I was just going to say the same thing. If they catch him next time - they get better as their crimes get progressively worse. Hope somebody in the "justice system" doesn't let this maniac slip through the cracks. Sounds like this judge will give him the first crack.

    2. My thought exactly!!!! The judge should look at his mental state and think ahead of what could come if this maniac doesn't get stopped now.

    3. I agree with all your comments, thankyou to all of you!

  7. I'm disgusted I hope that he receives the help he obviously needs . Animal abuse and child abuse are the same thing helpless Victims . I hope he will get the full sentence. I dread to think if he is released without help what he could do .

  8. I was going to say his sentence is not enough (and yes, shame on the judge!)--but let him be put in a jail with some hardcore animal lovers--and he will get exactly what he deserves.

  9. I'm disgusted I hope that he receives the help he obviously needs . Animal abuse and child abuse are the same thing helpless Victims . I hope he will get the full sentence. I dread to think if he is released without help what he could do .

  10. I agree with jennifer G.
    Delgado is a future serial killer... oh but wait, when he SHOOTS somebody because there were zero consequences for the abominable act of SETTING HIS DOG ON FIRE... the spineless beaurocrats will scream "gun control".
    Even three years is not nearly enough sentence.. C'mon Judge Young, get a grip on reality.

  11. Maybe someone in prison can light this piece of garbage on fire. I'm not a huge proponent of violence, but that kind of behavior is a clear display of having absolutely no regard for life, no empathy... seems like the kind of person who could kill anyone/anything and not care for a second.

  12. He should be set on fire. Don't even waste a jail cell on this douche bag. Just light him on fire and end it.

  13. I agree that 14 months is far too light. People like this often go on to worse things but don't your judges have sentencing guidelines which tell them the maximum they can give for certain crimes? If so, maybe the three years would have been best with a good psychiatric valuation while inside with maybe a probationary period on release where he has to report to someone weekly for a long time.

  14. Judge Young, before you give a slap on the wrist to Mr. Delgado, please consider whether you wish to be responsible for another Ted Bundy, who, like many other serial killers began his "career" by torturing and killing animals. This is a heinous act on it's face, but it is indicative of more such horrors to come; this young man has an obvious predeliction for causing suffering. Don't just turn him loose upon the innocent people who are sure to follow his mayhem. We have just seen little children slaughtered by a disturbed young person. Please, take into consideration that you have a responsibility for his future acts.

  15. What kind of Judge could do something so horrible. Unless he has something against animals himself. This guy deserves the max. for putting a dog on fire. Both the judge and this guy need to get their acts together, and help the situation not harm it by giving him a lighter sentence. They are both wrong in what they have done and what they will do.

  16. Obviously, Mr. Delgado has serious psychological problems. His sentence should be serious therapy; but psychiatric disorders are left untreated in favor of retribution. No amount of retribution will help the poor dog, but psychiatric treatment might help Mr. Delgado become a responsible citizen.

    1. Hi Cameron....I like your reasoning, but if he does get referred into the criminal justice system, there is the possibility that this guy is anti-social or psycho-path and they have no idea on how to treat this relentless condition so they may give him a short probation. He is only 18 years old and with those behaviors running around on our streets, he seriously qualifies for a 12 year sentence. I saw a page on facebook which was saving the names and punishments for cruelty to helpless animals. Sounds like a good idea.

  17. the state of Michigan put pressure on law makers and gov rick shydner of Michigan just wrote into law 20 yrs for animal
    cruility. this guy should hope he gets jail time because sooner or later people will take things into their hands and get justice them selfs..enough is enough write your leg, congress,and senators. god bless this little bassett and I hope this guy burns in hell.

    1. I support that idea to burn in hell.

  18. My God, at the very least require him to get mental help! Why would a judge turn this monster loose on the streets to do it again?

  19. @Patricia Flynn-Williams....Thank you for pointing out the seriousness of this monster's act. Yes, this judge will have blood on his hands if this monster is released and hurts or kills a child. Then it will be important enough to remove him from society. How sad. I cannot bear to think of the agony that defenseless and sweet Bassett hound suffered. What a fiend he is!

    1. I thoroughly agree with 99% of the above comments. I am not soft on animal abusers. It is one of the first steps to more evil doings. This may be the next serial killer, or the next shooter of innocent children in a school situation. Shame, shame on Judge Bruce Young. Why don't these judges have any balls to give maximum sentences to these sick individuals. If the dog had happened to be the judge's dog or his child's dog, you can be sure he would be up in arms then. Take this potential killer off the streets before he causes further heartache~~not only with animals but with humans, too.

  20. Doesn't Judge Young know that animal abusers often become human abusers. Delgado should be given the maximum sentence, mandatory psychiatric treatment, never be allowed to own an animal again and at least a year on probation upon his release from prison. I'm sick and tired of these wing nuts getting no more than a slap on the wrist. If more aggressive steps were taken to deal with animal abusers, far fewer innocent animals (and later people) would suffer. Wake up Judge Young and do the right thing!

  21. 16 months! Give me a break Judge. You know for a fact that people who abuse animals normally turn into child or spouse abusers! 5 years and 5000 community hours would still not be enough.But JUDGE, when he is in your court again for killing or abusing his spouse, girlfriend or child, what will you do then? Give him another slap on the wrist? That blood will be on your hands and We The People will want your head on a platter right next to his!

  22. Patricia, you arecorrect. Cameron, psychiatric therapy rarely changes the bone-deep need to cause pain. It merely helps sociopaths to bury the viciousness, not get rid of it. He has very likely done something like this before, and will continue.

  23. At 18 years old, this kid is a serial killer in the making. It has been proven that most killers start on animals. I guess we wait to hear his name again after he has killed someones son or daughter.

  24. That piece of garbage should go to prison for at least 20 years and that fricking judge should go back to Law School.

    1. You are 100% correct Luis, thankyou for your comment.

  25. I hope the judge realises next time (and no doubt there will be a next time) this creature will probably torch a human or an entire house of humans.

  26. One more thing, he has already violated previous terms of probation. So he obviously feels like laws do not pertain to him

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I hope he gets the max too, Mary. I try my best (especially in this area) to detach any of my reading and learning away from supporting a government writer. Yes, I know, long reach but it really isn't when you are looking at someone that has dedicated 20+ years of their life in writing on such a narrow topic and receiving grant funds for continuing a topic that has been used by the criminal justice system up and down, left and right. Please Mary, Let him (Mr Delgado) get in to the system so that he can at least get tagged. Let him get known. Sometimes when facing judges who care not for animals or humans in the community, these guys go free. They walk because the judge is probably identifying with the aggressor and getting a charge out of animal abuse. Take a look at this thread already....We know that Judge Bruce Young will not give the cruel dog killer any time in jail. Mr Delgado probably is anti-social or psychopath but aside from killing a poor helpless and defenseless dog, there are no cited records of previous diagnosis, no records of previous treatment. NUTHING !! Better get him tagged if you can because the judge is going to let him walk.

  28. One more thing, he has already violated previous terms of probation. So he obviously feels like laws do not pertain to him

  29. Ugh! Why would this judge be so weak with his sentence. Why no more than 16 months??!! Look at all the awful things that have been happening lately. Don't these judges understand that they need to lock these psychos up!!!

  30. ANY type of animal cruelty should be given harsher sentences. This is one sick human being and time and again, we have seen that pieces of scum like this only advance in their cruelty. TEN years and MANDATORY therapy sounds better.

  31. It's really not hard to understand why we see so much horrible crime in our country. I mean no more than 16 months for torching a helpless animal!!! What?!! Is this judge serious?! Judge Bruce must be a very cold, uncaring person. Look around Judge!!! It's time to start doing your jobs and locking all these nuts up!!! We can't keep having all these monsters hurting and killing our children and animals!! Start doing you jobs right!!!!

  32. This disgusts me...this man should be set on fire also let him feel what he put that poor fur baby through...GIVE HIM THE MAXIMUM SENTENCE!!!!!

    1. If only we could see that Eric. Thankyou for your comment.

  33. i keep hearing two words in my mind over and over again. And those two words are .... " Achtung Sammie " . ( what i WILL tell MY black german shepherd when he LEAST expects it. . The hell with the " justice system " . I got your justice system you little punk. AN EYE FOR AN EYE. Sorry for your luck. Cause check this out ------BELIEVE what i say...YOU reap what YOU sow...PUNK.i keep hearing two words in my mind over and over again. And those two words are .... " Achtung Sammie " . ( what i WILL tell MY black german shepherd when he LEAST expects it. . The hell with the " justice system " . I got your justice system you little punk. AN EYE FOR AN EYE. Sorry for your luck. Cause check this out ------BELIEVE what i say...YOU reap what YOU sow...PUNK.don't drop the soap u little baytch.

  34. What is wrong with this Judge??? He needs to set an example. This brutality has got to stop! Giving slaps on the wrist will not stop this person from doing it again, or better yet moving up to women and children!

  35. ANDREW DELGADO should be severely punished to the fullest extent.
    Option one: Throw him in prison, let his prison buddies take care of him. I'd give it 3 weeks before he got set ablaze.

    Option two: Give him to the people on this blog so we can just kick the living shit outta him.

  36. The judge is as guilty as Delgado if he let's this pass.

  37. I would love nothing more than to personally kill him slowly...

  38. When/where is the psychiatric evaluation that should determine whether Delgado is fit to be released back into society when his sentence is up, or if he needs to long-term psychiatric, institutionalized supervision? This is a very, very sick and twisted individual who is clearly empowered by inflicting unspeakable pain on Innocents. People who view crimes committed against other humans as a greater offense than those committed against animals are missing the crucial, critical connection between the two. Until we recognize that the exploitation, murder, torture, mass slaughter, and neglect of other species with which we share the earth leads to a defective sense of morality and justice, individuals like Delgado will be given the opportunity to terrorize and torture again and again.

  39. And then there are times, when the criminal justice system falls woefully short that private justice is acceptable in the eyes of the majority of people.

  40. If I ever came across him in person, I would administer my own punishment to him.

  41. This lenient, out of touch with reality judge is an accomplice to any future acts of torture and violence Delgado commits.


  43. The time doesn't fit the crime!! That judge is nuts. He isn't doing his job, in my opinion. This scum bag piece of whale poop, needs to sit there and think about what he did for at least 5 years or more. Then as part of his sentence he should have to work in a shelter, cleaning the poo and pee every day for 3 years.

  44. The time doesn't fit the crime!! That judge is nuts. He isn't doing his job, in my opinion. This scum bag piece of whale poop, needs to sit there and think about what he did for at least 5 years or more. Then as part of his sentence he should have to work in a shelter, cleaning the poo and pee every day for 3 years.

  45. I will go along with the 18 months sentence just as long it is in a dog kennel and after he has been torched to the same extent he did to his pet dog.
    As for the judge, he is not a fit and proper person to hold such a position, how would he feel about the case if it had been his dog or pet.
    These people only make decisions on previous cases and to the legislation laid down by the ruling bodies, the governments or in the UK Lord Lords.
    Time to target these people, time for courts to set examples of ALL forms of low life, instead of reforming start punishing, forget their human rights bring back hard labour

  46. This is why people continue to hurt, kill, and mame animals because of Judges like this not giving it the punishment it deserves. This Judge is sending a message loud and clear that an animals life is not of real importance. Until this mindset is eliminated you will find more and more crazies doing this. We live in sad times and our justice system peretuates it....

  47. It is a proven fact that anyone who tortures and kills animals is a future killer of humans...and that's not extreme because it was later found out that Jeffrey Dahmer also abused and tortured animals...I pray to God everynight that scum like this is punished even if they aren't dealt with in the courts and I will really pray hard that Mr. Camarillo is dealt with not only in court, but when he is six feet under and meets God and answers for his sin!!!!

  48. Only a matter of time before the moron does it to a family member. Our judicial system SUCKS!

  49. Re Pelons comment: I truely agree it will continue on to someone, not necessarily a family member, but someone.
    The Courts need to toughen up and get a clue to what is happening in the world today. Its not "JUST" a is breathing I living ..Its alive!! One of Gods Creatures, no different than the breathing living human!!The ol' slap on the hand stuff is just showing you how the "EDUCATED" hasn't advanced much from the Caveman era. This guy should have the same treatment done (eye for an eye). YEAH TO Christopher Walkers Comment above!!

  50. I blame the law makers for they give people the "permission" to abuse animals, therefor the light sentences.

  51. Something needs to be done about the metal health issues in the country. If its not children being massacred by crazies, its puppies, dogs and other innocent animals. Lock up the insane and problem will either minimize greatly or go away. What is the matter with people? They are insane and runnig around free, thats the problem. Im sick of hearing about these disturbing stories and I want our government to get their butts in gear and lock up these crazy people NOW!

  52. I agree this asshole needs a leathal injection now not later after he kills people... because thats the direction he is heading,its been proven time and time again that these scum start out torchering poor defensless animals who go out of there way to give us unconditional love.Then go on to do the same if not worse to people, so what is the matter with these judges are they blind or they just dont give a rats ass ??? or it just has not effected there family yet so why should they care.....Marilyn Watson Tasmania Australia...And we call all gods creatures animals some how i think we got it wrong there ????

  53. This just goes to show you what kind of world we live in, this guy does not need any kind of mental help. Because, he is going to do it again. As far as this judge goes, he is just as sick and I hope to God he get's what is coming to him. Imagine, what this poor animal felt it kill's me inside, and I look at animals as children of God's, they have feeling's like we do, and a soul. This deranged bastard should be burnt slowly, and feel the agony of hell, I am not a person who would normally wish harm to anyone. But this bastard, is walking away with this brutal crime, and this judge should burn with him, and rot in hell. There, are innocent people who are in jail for murder, and they have proof that they just being left there because our goverment suck's. I am so tired of seeing these poor defencless children of God's picture's and how they suffered everday, and these worthless pieces of trash walk away. It's not going to stop unless we get a miracle, but as a animal lover I will fight this cause in all way's possible. But, as a believer in my higher power he will get these two and make them suffer, and all that hurts another life.

  54. That would be the right thing to happen ..for ALL ppl that commit animal cruelty. Thankyou Jamie.

  55. speak the truth Shaina. But we cant give up. Thankyou for your comment.

  56. This is exactly why I left Ventura county!!!!!!!!

    I retired from Ventura county animal control and moved from that county and state all together, The judges are all ball-less, spineless wimps. My next door neighbor owned 4 pit bulls he kept chained in his back yard. One day, As my other 12 y/o neighbor was walking her little scotty dog, He decided it would be a good idea to unchain all 4 dogs and walk them without a leash on them or in his possession. The dogs attacked the little girl and her dog. Myself, My large strong male friend beat those dogs for no less than 35 minutes before I was able to pick the scotty up and take him home. The dogs were taken into the shelter and a hearing was held after many months, 2 of the dogs were stolen in the middle of the night from the shelter where I work, never to be found again. when the nusence hearing was finally held, The 2 remaining dogs were ordered put down. NO ORDER FOR THE OWNER TO NOT OWN ANY DOGS. IN FACT that bast*rd got another pitbull while waiting for the hearing and it came into my yard and attacked my little dog. Ventura county calif. is a mecca for animal abusers because the judges don't give a shit.
    Another time a neighbor kid came to my home and took my pet pigeon from his cage and poked the air hose from my bike compressor and blew the bird up of course killing him. I called the VENTURA COUNTY SHERIFF to make a report and was treated like I did something wrong. Nothing came of my report and 3 days later my son confronted his class mate for killing his pet and got in a fight, MY SON WAS ARRESTED. Do you think this has anything to do with the fact the the pigeon killer had a uncle that was a COP.

  57. Not nearly enough punishment. In my state the last person that treated a dog this cruelly was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months with no early release. He will have to serve the entire sentence.

  58. I say we all inundate Judge Kevin McGee's email & office informing him of the consequences of his ruling. Not to metion the outrage the public at large views these crimes & the justice systems inability to properly handle pathetic CRIMINALS such as the individual in his court room. If the criminals & abusers are not punished they learn there are no consequences for their actions & future crimes become more heinous & in humane. If an individual can dole out such severe behavior on an innocent animal, a beloved family pet, what other actions can this deranged individual do to other innocents?!?

  59. There is no part of me that will ever understand how anyone could set an animal on fire, or abuse it in anyway. It takes a
    a real psycho to do such a thing. People like this are seriously flawed. They have no empathy for another living being.
    Unfortunately the court system has not caught up with the wishes
    of the people. They still think that an animal is "just an
    animal". They don't understand that an animal has feelings just like a person. The difference is an animal can't take care of
    itself. It depends on you and I to feed it and take care
    of it. An animal loves and tries it's best to show that love,
    sometimes even to the person who is abusing it.
    I thought this would lead to as petition that would be sent to
    the presiding judge who will hand down a sentence. Someone
    suggests emailing Judge McGee, but doesn't provide an email
    address. If someone has it, that would be a possibility, not
    that it would guarantee he would read the emails.
    This person deserves more than a slap on the wrist. He deserves
    some serious jailtime and when finished some real serious
    therapy with a shrink, before he tries his psychotic behavior
    on another animal or maybe a human being next. A sane person
    doesn't do these things.

  60. 18-mos.... or even 3 years for setting a dog on fire? They call that a sentence? People get that for smoking a joint. That's *almost* as criminal as animal cruelty. When will animal cruelty be taken as seriously as it merits?

  61. He'll be out in a year and will gradually progress to humans. A tougher sentence is needed and then mandatory and permanent label as an animal abuser, similar to sex offenders being labelled. Perhaps then when he does go out on a rampage, his name will pop up quickly in the system.
