Saturday, January 19, 2013

Disturbing video filmed at Red Lion Abattoir near Nantwich, Cheshire..

Horrific cruelty at abattoir caught on film: Footage shows stunned horse waking up just before it is about to have its throat cut .

Two slaughtermen have been sacked after an undercover investigation exposed shocking cruelty to horses at an abattoir.
The disturbing video shows them being beaten with metal poles and illegally stunned in groups of up to three at a time before being killed.
In one horrifying moment a stunned horse appears to regain consciousness, only to find itself hanging upside down and about to have its throat cut.


  1. people don't realise that there is no legislation regarding the slaughter of horses in the UK, or indeed around europe as they are not classed as farm animals. Please join the International league for the protection of horses and write to your MP to sort this frightening cruel situation. Horses are part of our historical legacy and have been man's friends and helpers for hundreds of years. Let's show them some respect. viv johns

    1. You make a very good point - I (and I presume many ordinary people) did not realise that horses have no rights. I have turned now to being a vegetarian, because I do not believe I should eat something that I am not prepared to kill and eat with my own barehands. I will be writing to my MP about this situation.

    2. Sacked? These guys should be imprisoned for years. What can we do above/beyond making a comment here?

  2. This is totally unacceptable, and who wants to do this to a horse? This is a companion animal whether or not it is "classified" as such. Shame on humans who would find any satisfaction of any kind in animal cruelty. Do these men have families, or a shred of empathy or kindness? I would be surprised.

    1. I would like to see 'naming and shaming' of people that commit any acts of cruelty to animals. Perhaps if they thought they'd be named and shamed they'd be less inclined to do it.

    2. These actions of abuse and killing are unforgiveable. If the tables turned and it was these abusers and killers would they like to be tazered and killed. They have no conscience or heart only for themselves. Killing animals such as these should be condemned. They assume animals have no brain or heart. May no animal or person save your life or be a companion to you forever.

  3. I cannot watch the video, as I know I will not be able to handle it. But the thought of Human beings (supposedly the the most intelligent and "only" mammals to experience emotions), can be such Monsters. We are the only species on earth to think of such horrific ways to end anothers life. How can this kind of mentality be tolerated? Had this video been turned over to police, if not why not. I'm just day is ruined by the thought of these a$$@!

  4. I couldn't watch the video because I know what I see will make me retch and cry. I'm heartsick that these beautiful creatures are subjected to such horrific cruelty at the end of their days. The human animal never ceases to disgust me.

    1. I agree. I haven't watched the video I as I am already haunted by the visual from just reading the description - but the police should. It's well documented that animal cruelty is followed by cruelty to humans so if we let acts like this go unaddressed then we shouldn't be surprised when someone is tortured and murdered as the signs are there for all to see. I assume the culprits are clearly visible in the video - so finding them should not require a rocket scientist and dealing to them publicly sounds like a plan. Some humans are just simply inhuman - it's embarrassing to be the same species.

    2. I watched the video and I am appauled that the UK is so innocent. They know what is going on, completely. What kind of human kills horses? I will never travel there, since I have seen this video. I pray that since this video is on websites that thousands of people do not travel there. They allow these killings and torture of animals which in return will come back on them. Demented and twisted minds to conjure up so many animals being killed. I wonder if they would like that done to them.

    3. Esther you are completely dissolusioned if you think this is only happening in the uk. You may as well cross the majority of countries off your holiday list in terms of animal cruelty.
      I totally disagree with it too but what we have to do is let our governments know we will notstand for this

    4. I agree totally. What else can we do? What is MP.

  5. Something needs to be done in the UK to prevent these sick individuals from these horrific acts on animals..I am so sick over this...PLEASE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BEFORE MORE HELPLESS ANIMALS SUFFER....

  6. I cannot watch. I am shocked at the brief description. What kind of society breeds individuals capable of doing this? It's time for some social demolition and reconstruction.

  7. The only reason they were sacked is because it has been made public.

    I am totally disgusted by our inhumanity to animals. Owners and racing stables are sending their horses to these places to be tortured and terrified in the same way that our farmers are sending cattle and sheep crammed in trucks for days at a time with no food or water, to face unspeakable cruelty when they reach their destination.

    Shame on us for allowing it.

  8. After seeing this I want to be a vegetarian.. You don't know what an animal goes through when they are killed for meat for us to eat.

    Why do we need to kill anything? I'm heartsick!

  9. I saw this on the T.V. and it made me cry.
    I will be writing to my MP about this disgusting and cruel treatment of horses. So very sad.

  10. Please please it's 'his or her' throat not 'it's'. An 'it' is an object and animals are not objects. We need to start calling them him or her and stop using language that doesn't give them a proper identity. After all, we wouldnt call a person an 'it' so why call an animal an 'it' PLease don't. Animals will never get the respect that they deserve if we continue to refer to them as an 'it'.

  11. I'm getting sick and tired of these lying P.O.S. outfits always saying these are "isolated incidents." That's a bunch of bullshit and everybody knows it. Same P.R. spin the geniuses in the U.S. try to foist upon us. They always reassure us they have "experts" on their staff to monitor things but the only time they get caught is by animal welfare groups because they are corrupt lying maggots, just like in the USA. They can all go to hell for letting this happen millions of times a day. We aren't that stupid.

  12. Something needs to be done!!! This is mortifying. We need to be the voice for these animals. For the love of God!!!

  13. They need to pay for their crimes! This news made me sick to my stomach. It's unacceptable.
