Monday, January 7, 2013

Texas dog found shot in the face and left to die in a garbage bag ..

Texas dog found shot in the face and left to die in a garbage bag .. An injured red and white dog shot and left to die in a tied up garbage bag on Saturday was an awful discovery for good Samaritan,Tami Augustyn who untied the garbage bag and out the dog came. He limped about two yards, and then collapsed. Augustyn carefully picked him up and transported him to the Animal Emergency Clinic in Conroe, Texas. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY..Buck needs lots of support!
PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS..what do you think about this animal cruelty?



    1. Horrific cruelty! When are we going to have animal laws that fit the crime,address the cruelty and relate to it in a humane manner?

    2. It seems cruelty to animals is getting worse, there has to be a way to stop this, maybe if you see children showing signs of animal cruelty,try to get then help as soon as possible, do not let them get away with it. Becasue animal cruelty leads to human cruelty.

    3. These people should 'be done to, as they do to others' Am happy to dispense the justice!! In reality, these sick people think they are untouchable as the pc brigade have dumbed down justice and the judicial service is impotent!

    4. non si può più andare avanti con queste orribili crudeltà io gli auguro a tutti chi maltratta e fa crudeltà OCCHIO PER OCCHIO E DENTE PER DENTE gli ha sparato in faccia ok sparateli in faccia e mettetelo legato nel bidono.

  2. WHO DID you know?
    Texas dog found shot in the face and left to die in a garbage bag ..
    An injured red and white dog shot and left to die in a tied up garbage bag on Saturday was an awful discovery for good Samaritan,Tami Augustyn who untied the garbage bag and out the dog came. He limped about two yards, and then collapsed. Augustyn carefully picked him up and transported him to the Animal Emergency Clinic in Conroe, Texas.
    PLEASE SHARE WIDELY..Buck needs lots of support!

    WHO DID you know?
    If anyone has any information about Buck, please call Crime Stopper at 1-800-392-STOP. Be the voice for those who cannot speak. Please speak out for Buck.


    A special Facebook page titled Buck Needs Bucks for his Buckshot Injuries is helping to raise funds for his treatment. Although there has been no rescue organization affiliated with Buck's rescue, donations can be made directly to Animal Emergency Clinic located at 920 West Dallas, Conroe, Texas. Donors can call (936)-539-3800 at anytime. The clinic is open 24/7 for animal emergencies.

    Buck's veterinary bills have been adding up quickly, but animal lovers and humane supporters know that each life is precious.

    FACEBOOK PAGE: please join.


    Buck's Video story (probably more indepth than you will see on the news even in the morning):

  4. I live in the UK and my disgust at people that do this gets, (all the world over), get worse each day. I help rescue greyhounds and to see the state that these poor animals come in is really upsetting, you wouldn't treat your worst enemy like it. People get away with it because the animals can't answer back. If another person was to do this to another person they would be charged and sentenced with either attempted murder or murder so why shouldn't the same principle apply to doing it to an animal. If there is anyway I can help further from here in the UK please let me know.

  5. My aversion to people who harm animals grows every day. My hope is that these people do not continue to get away with it!

  6. Too many people are taking their frustrations about their life's situations on animals. Animals did not cause the problems we face today but it is being taken out on them. We as humans are forgetting that life is not about how much money or things that we have but about the things we do in this life we are living. We need to stop desensitizing ourselves and our children to such cruel acts. This person needs to be caught and should be made to feel this animals pain.

  7. This is so damn cruel. This happens everywhere in world, only difference is that in the US, it is heard and taken action on as any other criminal act which is commendable. I wish indian society also had such awareness...

  8. This type of Animal Cruelty is totally unacceptable in a civilized country like US. What is the matter with evil people there. Government needs to bring Harsh & Severe Punishments to the scums who does these type of unethical brutality towards the helpless animals. Too many Morons and Evils in the US. Make sure to find out this Bastard and throw him in the Jail for the maximum possible time & then he can make some good friends in there to have some fun.

  9. I am just chilled to the marrow of my bones by this hideous act of cruelty!! All we can do is keep on posting these stories and and crying out for justice for these poor furry companions of ours with all of our hearts, minds and souls! HOW LONG, OH LORD, how long will this sickening evil be allowed to go on???

  10. What have we become, that we cannot feel compation for the very things that bring us happiness in these very trying times. Shame on the individuals that fail to be loyal to man's best friend. Whatever pain that has been endured by any animal, by the hand of a human, that human should be punished by the same means. This horror has gone to far.

  11. Can we do the same thing to the person that this to the dog? Oh, can we? PLEASE!!!!! That is the only way I think people will think twice before harming something so innocent and precious. This just makes me sick to my stomach. We need to have a lot more severe discipline around the world when it comes to animal cruelty, rapists & pedophiles...Enough is enough!!!!


  13. If you have children in your life, LOOK them in the eyes and TEACH them that All Beings Matter! Do It Today! Not making eye contact, - because of computers/phones/games, makes people liars and thieves, without any shame or guilt. It's disrespectful and yet tolerated. It's why some people freely and easily treat each other and animals in such disgusting ways. It's time to stop it! Be Kind! TEACH children - at home and at school to have respect for themselves, so no innocent being is ever used to make them feel superior. We can all do more to stop this ugly epidemic, where some feel entitled to have whatever they want without work or without consequences when they do wrong, or else more generations of worthless beings will go into the world - All Takers and Abusers.

    1. well done! thankyou for your with you!

  14. There's a special place in hell for the people that hurt this poor animal...

  15. I am severely disabled and use an electric wheelchair, I have had only rescue dogs for all those I have trained. If they did not want this dog he could have been given to any animal rescue in the area. They did not need to hurt this poor baby, my dog now is 13 and despite poising from the place where I live she will be with me until God decides her time is up. FIND THEM AND DO TO THEM WHAT THEY DID TO THIS POOR DOG, MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE!

  16. Clearly metal disorder runs wild in the country..... people harming animals for giggles.... its a sickness

  17. HERE IS ANOTHER NEWS LINK...with more pictures on poor BUCK.

  18. This is just awful. How could someone do this to such an Innocent and gentle animal. People like this have no heart and are a menace to society.

  19. Put the abuser in the State Mental Hospital and 1 year in jail (really he should be shot as well).

  20. Comments are useless! I want to know what I can do to HELP!

    1. Buck's Facebook page has regular updates.

      So many donations have come in that his Momma has set up a foundation to spread the wealth and help other animals in need.

  21. All of this people that are doing this cruelty to animals are not getting enough penalty for the crimes. I believe they all need to get a bigger sentence than what is given to them, but who am i to judge. God is looking down on all evil things done throughout the universe and will get their punishment when the Lord comes to take us home. In the meantime, my Prayers go out to everyone that has had tragedies happen to them with their Families, Pets and every creature in this earth. I love all kinds of Pets and breaks my heart when I read stuff like this. I have 7 Dogs that I have rescued and love every one of them. I wish I could rescue more.

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