Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mother of two spared jail after letting dog die slow and painful death over six weeks by leaving it in locked toilet Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Mother of two spared jail after letting dog die slow and painful death over six weeks by leaving it in locked toilet..

An unemployed alcoholic mother who locked her dog in a toilet and left it to die has walked free from court.
Laura Shaw, 23, abandoned her pet Lulu for six weeks, and has now been banned from keeping animals for the next 10 years.
Horrific images shown in court revealed how the animal was found covered in swarms of flies, surrounded by the empty food bowls it tried to eat.




  1. Sometimes I think that I just can't stand to see anything more like this. But if I don't then I can't try to stop all this horrible abuse. Dear God what is wrong with people!

    1. Dana, frustration runs deep when innocent victims who depend on the kindness and goodness of mankind for their survival and well being, get abused. We all would like to go a few rounds in a boxing match and box the ears of the insensitive perpetrator. In short, she needs to be taught a lesson she will never forget.

    2. I feel the same way. I can't bare to see the photos, but the photos must be seen. These horrific acts can not be forgotten or tolerated.

    3. Hi Dana, I feel the exact same way as you do and I ask the same questions. It isn't going to ever change because right now Satan is in charge of what goes on on the earth. I know that this sounds like I am some sort of a nut case but it is true. This is why so many people are waiting for the second coming of Christ because then he will no longer be ruling the earth. I know this may seem a bit much if you don't go to any church or whatever but all you have to do is read the Bible. Nothing like getting a free Sunday School lesson after asking about these precious little ones that are being horrifically tortured day after day. I am so sick of it. Hope this may as least help a little bit.

    4. Hi Dana, I feel the exact same way as you do and I ask the same questions. It isn't going to ever change because right now Satan is in charge of what goes on on the earth. I know that this sounds like I am some sort of a nut case but it is true. This is why so many people are waiting for the second coming of Christ because then he will no longer be ruling the earth. I know this may seem a bit much if you don't go to any church or whatever but all you have to do is read the Bible. Nothing like getting a free Sunday School lesson after asking about these precious little ones that are being horrifically tortured day after day. I am so sick of it. Hope this may as least help a little bit.

    5. No morales, unplanned birth and the parents didn't want the garbage so never gave it the attention or education it needed so it turned into a psychopath that should be put down ASAP. Lynch it, it's a deadly disease, control population. Allot of people just suck, I can't just read about it any more, if it happens close to me they'll be sorry NO MORE! Come on people, my one wish dear lord is humanity be wiped from existence for billion years so mom earth can start over and animals will be free from human evil, curse all abusers.

    6. This pice of S*** low life!!!!!! deservs to be looked in a bathroom with no food and water and day by day feeling life just slipping away,and i would be happy to stand watch her suffer..

    7. I absolutely HATE and ABHOR, people like this SNAKE IN THE GRASS, named LAURA SHAW!!! And, she has children??? Does she have custody of her kids? Because, if she treats her dog in this manner, how must she be treating her kids??? This POOR EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING, should be sentenced to solitary confinement, with a miniscule piece of bread the size of a dime, and a quarter of a cup of water, FOR SIX WEEKS, and see how she holds up. I cannot for the life of me fathom how someone can be so ignorant, self-absorbed, and unaware, as to leave a precious pet [obviously not precious enough to her!] for 2 MONTHS WITH ONE MEASLY BOWL OF FOOD!!! Oh yeah, I forgot, she's an alcoholic. And, for that reason alone, she should be barred from having children, and/or given any kind of responsibility that would require care and nurturing, of which she is most obviously in short supply. Clean up your act, lAURA SHAW, before you end up unintentionally becoming a fatal statistic, of your own doing.

    8. If she would have done this to her baby she would be in jail for the rest of her life. Where is her punishment? How she could walk free after such a crime? Life is a life.
      What that Judge did? He's unworthy. She's a mental, a criminal, a sadist; put her in jail for God sake!
      I do feel like Dana, I feel like I can't take this anymore but if we all do that, nothing will ever change. I am mad on the people that avoid to see some things because they are "too sensitive" and never take a position, never speak out, they just avoid and ignore things. I am constantly crying but I have to do something, even I am just just "one more voice".
      So many times I just think that we humans should just vanish, we are so devil and make this world so ugly. But I also know that are many people that are god and have love and compassion for all the creatures of this world.

    9. If she would have done this to her baby she would be in jail for the rest of her life. Where is her punishment? How she could walk free after such a crime? Life is a life.
      What that Judge did? He's unworthy. She's a mental, a criminal, a sadist; put her in jail for God sake!
      I do feel like Dana, I feel like I can't take this anymore but if we all do that, nothing will ever change. I am mad on the people that avoid to see some things because they are "too sensitive" and never take a position, never speak out, they just avoid and ignore things. I am constantly crying but I have to do something, even I am just just "one more voice".
      So many times I just think that we humans should just vanish, we are so devil and make this world so ugly. But I also know that are many people that are god and have love and compassion for all the creatures of this world.

  2. What I find even more horrendous than this act of cruelty is the 'sentence' given to the perp. Humans have NIL respect for animals, and as long as the 'justice' (what justice system?) system enforces this 'you are worth less' mentality, so long will animal abusers get away with a slap on the wrist. This bitch of a sadist will get what's coming to her, if not in this life then in the next - and so will ALL of those who write the laws wherein animals count as nothing. I am so spitting mad - may you rest in peace my darling woof - on behalf of the 'human' race and its sick members and pathetic judiciary I apologise.

    1. I could NOT have said any better than Eureka Morrison statement here..!.....totally agree but I will add....The Judge should be removed from the position if he can not impose a proper excuse for what she did..and what that dog suffered was pure far as she is concerned......she should receive and immediate death sentence,,,,,gas chamber, hanging, electric chair, shooting, all of the listed who cares she should PAY with her life for the innocent life she took in such cruelty!

    2. I could NOT have said any better than Eureka Morrison statement here..!.....totally agree but I will add....The Judge should be removed from the position if he can not impose a proper excuse for what she did..and what that dog suffered was pure far as she is concerned......she should receive and immediate death sentence,,,,,gas chamber, hanging, electric chair, shooting, all of the listed who cares she should PAY with her life for the innocent life she took in such cruelty!

    3. Cat you took the words right out of my mouth,after the judge's summation I was expecting to see the bitch get at least 10 years jail time but NO!was I shocked to say the least? a slap on the wrist.They say what goes around comes around and you will get yours you evil sadistic woman!!!NOT you Cat of course

  3. I am not in favour of seeing images like this...but the public should know that these people have done...and banning them for a certain time period will not do the poor animal any good...they should be put in jail for the rest of their Solitary contact with humans or animals...because that is what they did to the little creature.The judge is too lenient for this shit to continue.

  4. I would have slammed her in jail for at least 4 days with food or water!! to give her a taste of what she to Lulu.

  5. If owners are tried in court with just a slap on the wrist, it shows what lows our justice system has sunk to. Life is precious, whether human or animal. I hope this sadist knows that the Creator has seen what she has done and that she will never be forgiven. I wonder how she treats her kids ?
    I hope that these kind of animal abusers have these cruel acts on their records forever and are never allowed to adopt animals or kids ever again !

  6. Please please, don't you think it's more effective if those of us who receive these awful reports of abuse to animals could take some sort of action, START A PETITION TO GET THE WOMAN PUT AWAY. I am seriously considering unsubscribing, as there is not a damn thing I can do but feel horrified, if there is no way for me to take action against the perpetrators of these horrendous crimes against animals.

  7. Chain her to her toilet and let her see what it feels like, there is no excuse for this. She should have been subjected to a harsher sentence. I am sure there is a special place in hell for people like this!

  8. Laura, I can't imagine what type of sickness you must have to abandon your dog and leave it to die a slow painful death. May God have mercy on your soul....and perhaps he shows you a glimpse of the evil you have inflicted on one of his creatures! You make me ill and its people like you that fuel the cause that I will never stop fighting animal cruelty. You are such a disgrace to humanity!

  9. I think they felt sorry for her,because she has to kids.Well who's feeling sorry for the poor dog or even her kids that have an alcoholic mom.She should be in jail & her kids should be taken from her.

  10. I love animals and have several dogs and cats. I always sign petitions wherever I find them against cruelty to any animal. This act was particularly appalling!! If she could cause such immense suffering to her OWN dog, this woman shouldn't even be allowed AROUND any animal much less allowed to EVER own one!! The Bible speaks loud and clear that we are to take care of our animals. It also provides penalties for hurting them. I certainly agree that our court system is not only pathetic, but apathetic - void of feelings! I believe this dog will have her day in court, however, in the resurrection to JUDGMENT for Laura Shaw!

  11. I can't even imagine that a human being, a MOTHER, could do such a horrific thing... I just hope that her kids will do the same for her in return, that she will be dying slowly suffering...

    I’m sorry, humane side of me simply disappears when I read stories like this one….

  12. I hope that girl dies a slow torcherous death..

  13. I'm usually fairly stoic when it comes to pics of the things I want to do too the abusers. I stared at the link thinking, Oh my dear sweet Lulu, do I really want to see what this poor excuse of a woman did to you? I just couldn't bring myself to look at what, unfortunately, is not hard to imagine. Knowing she got nothing from our WTF system, its probably best to only imagine in my mind's eye what a sweet healthy cutie pie a dog named Lulu would be like. Lulu carry with you the absolute fact that if I could save um all, I positively would. But, had you crossed my path in life, I WOULD HAVE SAVED YOU. A darling girl named Lulu.

  14. Hope that someone exterminates this eye for an eye...before she kills again...or gets tired of and murders her 2 children. Burn in hell. That poor baby only wanted to be loved and cared for. She should be tracked down and killed....human trash.

  15. Stupidity is a grave sin. You have to be really out of your mind to do something like this. What could possibly have robbed her of the ability to think? Perhaps she didn't have a mind in the first place. But she did have kids. Alas the human race will always retain its right to procreate and replace itself with more of the same. I pity the kids; they're going to be nothing and have nothing.

  16. Cut the bitch up in pieces with your closest friends, everyone take a piece, then never talk about it again cause cops don't know anything unless someone talks. If everyone knows why the garbage was takin out they're not gonna care or say anything except she got what was coming to her, lex talionis

  17. This is very sad. The owner should not be allowed to keep pets for the rest of her life not 10 yrs. What deterrant is this 'punishment' for others like her? None. I don't think the judge is thinking well or clearly. There should be an appeal.

  18. The judge needs to be left to starve and die and also that hooker..

  19. I don't know what kind of "comment" to leave - but I will say that sadly, it's going to take another few generations for most of humanity to realize the cruelty that exists with animals. The shift has started and we're making progress...but it's gonna take diligence and commitments to help those that dont have a voice. I still don't get how someone can look at a deer or a moose or an elk through their gun site and still pull the trigger. People need to evolve and it is my hope that it happens sooner than later

  20. She should be locked up and throw away the key,!!!'

  21. But why why why did she do this? Does anyone have an explanation? Please someone help me understand what makes humans treat animals in such a horrific way! PLEASE!

  22. What the heck is wrong with that judge? Was it too much trouble to start the process of prosecuting a mother of 2 children? How do you think those children are going to treat animals going forward? What an awful lesson she has taught those children. I could only wish they could grow up in a loving home. Obviously she (Laura Shaw) should not have children either. We should be writing to that judge. Does anyone know if there is anything we can do to make this horrible mother, regret what she did? Public outcry is very powerful.

  23. 10 years? She should Never be allowed to have an animal in her possession again! Her punishment is no nearly sever enough or justice enough for that animal!

  24. What I find even more horrendous than this act of cruelty is the 'sentence' given to the perp. Humans have NIL respect for animals, and as long as the 'justice' (what justice system?) system enforces this 'you are worth less' mentality, so long will animal abusers get away with a slap on the wrist. This bitch of a sadist will get what's coming to her, if not in this life then in the next - and so will ALL of those who write the laws wherein animals count as nothing. I am so spitting mad - may you rest in peace my darling woof - on behalf of the 'human' race and its sick members and pathetic judiciary I apologise.

  25. Yeah, I just don't get it, why wouldn't someone just pick up the phone and call animal control and give it up? Geez, euthanize it, shoot it in the head, anything would have been better, but don't tell me you could not afford to feed it, especially in a country that GUARANTEES that you will get welfare and a roof over your head no matter what. That is why I think she should have done jail time, whatever she told the judge was bullshit. Let me guess, the defense promised she would seek alcohol rehab for a reduced sentence. For a country that supposedly loves animals, her so called sentence does no justice.

  26. fisrt of all disturbing photo i cant believe it im just so sadden by this poor dog who wanted to eat and just , i,i i just feel like puncturing her eyes out ( sorry for the violence) but really, she is a disgusting human being how a mother would let a dog stay like this and she must be hurting her son too or daughter may god protect, when she outside because their people outside that would love to hurt her include me ( sorry for the strong words im really angry and sad and emotional , i would not imagine anyone hurting my cat i would go into a defence mode i would tear this people apart

  27. This piece of lowlife scum is only 23 yrs and demonstrates that she has been scum most of her useless life. What she did to this innocent dog is what she will receive whats left of her disguising existence and that is...nothing. I hope she doesn't breed anymore since she is no better than a dog in heat. And as they say...the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.
