Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cops shoot dogs in front of Pennsylvania high school


Dogs Shot by Chester Cops
Police shoot two dogs to death in Chester and it's all caught on cell phone video. The police chief is investigating to see if proper procedure was followed as residents question why it happened.

A dog fight ended with a hail of bullets in a Philadelphia suburb, leaving residents shocked and looking for answers.
The incident started on Friday at around noon when a stray dog got into a pickup truck at a red light in Chester, Pa., and began fighting with another pooch, NBCPhiladelphia reported.
Cops were called when the dogs couldn't be separated, and when they arrived, witnesses were stunned at the reaction. One officer shot at the dogs five times with a pistol, then another fired one blast from a shotgun. 
And this all went down right in front of Chester High School.
Chester police told NBCPhiladelphia that the incident was under investigation and at the time there the animal control officer in the city was unavailable. 


  1. when will police get some training on how to handle dogs without LETHAL Force. As a dog owner I would be reluctant to call for help if needed, because my dogs could be at risk. If I ever had to call for help and a cop shot my dogs,,, well, hell hath no fury like a pissed off pet-mom! They will have to shoot me down too!

  2. I say shot them just like they did those dog 2 shot them in that way was uncallef for......I say line them up any shot them.......the would have 2 kill me before the would kill my dog!!! Innocent aminals die everyday at the hands of stupid people!!! Aminal have feelings 2!!!

  3. Ong! So wrong! Didn't they have pepper spray?? Couldn't they fire shots in the air to distract the dogs?? WTF!! I am so damn sick of cops killing dogs left and right!!

  4. I no longer look at police as a source of protection or justice. they are nothing but thugs with the full power of their office behind to do what ever the hell they want. If this continues next time it won't be dogs it will be our kids. Training appears to be on how to kill not to protect and serve. Pr**ks.

  5. My only policy to cut down crimes is " an eye for an eye and tooth for an tooth" - if this been followed then there is no need of any police or justice room.

    Those two police man also should get the same treatment what they did with those innocent animal.

    I do not support uniform worn criminals.

  6. Okay, that was really uncalled for of them. Not only was the use of guns not even needed, but they really could've accidentally hit someone they weren't aiming for with those bullets. You can see right in the video that there are people around the area and watching the scene. So even though it's appalling and shouldn't have been done in the first place, they should've made sure people were further away from the area where the fighting dogs were.

  7. OMG!!! You would think that if they only have one animal control officer that they should train all officers for situations as this one. Maybe even carry some sort of tranquiler gun or pepper spray if needed. I don't feel they should have shot them especially if it was just the dogs involved and contained to the bed of the pickup truck. Justice needs to be done here!!!
