Tuesday, December 25, 2012

WHERE is the Justice for Lucky and Lucian?

There is a lady on facebook crying out for help to get her dogs that were taken away from her.. please share her news. Maybe someone out there knows what she can/ or can't do? This comes from the fb page>> WHERE is the Justice for Lucky and Lucian? IF Anyone knows of a group or an individual or an organization that fights for animal rights and may be able to help me ensure the return of my dogs, PLEASE let me know or send them my way ASAP!!! Lucian & Lucky are NOT in what I consider to be a safe enviornment! I have contacted every organization I could think of and posted everywhere I could find & will continue to do so! Thank you all for your support!



  2. Replies
    1. Hello..please try this>>
      Link: https://www.facebook.com/WhereIsTheJusticeForLuckyAndLucian

      * COPY and PASTE link if it does not take you there direct *
