Sunday, December 23, 2012

PETITION: TAKE ACTION! STOP the killing and violence against pets by LAW ENFORCEMENT and AC Officers!

PETITION: TAKE ACTION! STOP the killing and violence against pets by LAW ENFORCEMENT and AC Officers! LINK: WAY TOO MANY INNOCENT FAMILY PETS ARE BEING INJURED OR EVEN TRAGICALLY KILLED ACROSS THE USA by Law Enforcement and AC Officers! WHY IS THIS? well one reason is that some Police- and Law enforcement / AC Officers like to abuse the power that they hold in their jobs. Some of these Police and AC Officers who are supposed to protect and serve the general public, are way to trigger happy and lack the much needed skills to think before they shoot. ALL departments /agencies need to have a -Department's Use of Force Policy - which will specify that the use of deadly force on an animal is only authorized " if it poses an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm to a person." In addition, departments need to purchase equipment to help with the humane capture of dogs and, as a matter of policy need to defer all animal-related incidents to the experts at Animal Control whenever possible. More education on how to deal with animals in non- violent and humane ways needs to be made a mandatory part of their education and training each year. YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK: Published on 21 Dec 2012

1 comment:

  1. We should not over look this nor be able to.Yes horrific morbid acts have always been apart of human history. So are we just to except that. Screw that! How can we complain if we do nothing. Please take a sec & sign the Petition. What if it was your pet? Animals need to be protected.
