Thursday, December 27, 2012

Outrage: Dog shot to death for playing in the snow.

Outrage: Dog shot to death for playing in the snow. RIP to poor Wrigley killed by - Colins Cutler. As per the EXAMINER News story ( Dec 27th 2012)..if the headline to this story seems to lack any discernible logic, that is because it does. None of which is any consolation to Stacey Ernat, of Des Moines, Iowa, whose beloved four-footed companion Wrigley was shot to death on Christmas Day. The reason given by the shooter: The dog was trespassing on his property. Station WHO reports that the day had started routinely enough. Ernat had gone to the home of friends to celebrate the holiday and had taken her 1-year old chocolate lab with her. Link with story and pictures:



    1. Bring him around. How could a human with any compassion do that. What did the Bible say an.eye for an eye.

    2. Bring him arond an eye for an eye. How could he. He needs to pay for this one way or another.

      He should be glad it wasn't my dog.

    3. Just horrible. Anger management classes won't help this guy. He needs to be locked up until he can't hurt anyone anymore.

    4. What if a child hd been playing with Wrigley in the snow? This moron would have killed both and just because he was disturbed because the dog crossed an imaginary line and was messing up his snow. It is individuals like this that should have the book thrown at them - this charge should be a felony not a misdemeanor because next time it might be a human being that he kills for disturbing his precious little world.

    5. If Colins Effing Cutler ever walked on my property, I would shoot the dirty little creep and everyone else should have the same attention for him. Show his picture everywhere and shoot him on sight!!!

  2. Wonder what his home address is?

    1. Photo of his house here:

      Says Des Moines, Iowa

  3. No excuse. He just wanted to shoot something. Vicious and unexcusable.

  4. Is there anything we can do to help her get justice
    This is awful. I own guns and he might have gotten shot back if it was my fur baby what can we do

    1. Hi Lisa, thankyou for your comments. I am currently trying to find more info on this ..i will update as soon as i can. Then we can go from there. Sincerely J

    2. To kill a dog that is simply showing joy at just being alive. It goes beyond criminal, it is insane. This guy is a pig plain and simple. He needs to pay, but current legislation is far too easy on animal abusers. Start making NOISE! Contact local media. Contact your law makers. Make life for this douche bag really uncomfortable.

    3. Make NOISE!! This guy shot a family's pet who was simply joyful at being ALIVE! Contact local media. Make life uncomfortable for him. Contact your lawmakers. Until legislation is changed to reflect the serious nature of this crime, these horrors will continue. Use your voices!!

    4. Ive been calling his number. No answer. I see from Tv news that he wont answer the door to them either. We need people to track down his employers so we can serve a petition to sack him.

  5. Collins Cutler
    305 Washington St
    Marne, IA 51552-2502
    (712) 781-2275

  6. THis person needs to be held accountable for this ~ it is a CRIME ~ pure and simple ~ some people may have no regard for life but for those of us and the owner of this beautiful dog ~ these beings are family ~

  7. I have had with gun violence coming out of the State's
    The right to bare arms has been taken out sickening proportions
    Cops killing pets neighbours shooting a dog because they felt like it
    People gunned down in a movie house children 20 0f them being shot to death by a twisted mind
    The President of the Nora says what? We need to arm teachers with more guns!????
    USA has the highest gun violence in the world
    We all have the same rights
    We just don't think it's essential to own them
    Now are pets are suffering from despicable violence as well


    1. I so agree with you Louna !!! Countrys with strict gun laws have lower gun death. Look up the statistics people. And another interresting statistic is how many gun deaths came from self defense. A very low number. Of course all the gun advocates biggest argument is that we need guns for self defense. Well, maybe if everyone didnt have guns we wouldnt have to worry about defending ourselves so much !!!

  8. How sad!! Poor Wrigley...What ever it takes, what ever I can do, I am willing to do to help find justice for this beautiful little guy who lost his life to another moron with a gun bigger than his brain.
    What was done to Wrigley makes me sick...and angry!!
    So sorry Stacy...:'(
    I send this out to you with love, empathy,sympathy and prayers..from me, my two kitties and my doggie....may Wrigley have everlasting peace and eternal belly rubs..for he was a good little guy, who did not deserve this..JAC

  9. A chocolate lab, one of the friendliest, least-threatening breeds there is. I don't think it mattered to the jackass who killed him, he just wanted to shoot something and Wrigley was there. No question he should be held accountable and be punished (severly if it were up to me). We seriously need to strengthen our cruelty laws making animal cruelty a felony with jail time....maybe that might be a deterrent for at least some of the jerks out there who don't feel an animal's life is worth much.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. cutler collins, 305 washington st., marne, IA 51552

  12. lisa, this happened precisely because this man owned a gun. what can we do? let's begin by getting rid of guns.

  13. Totally vile and brutal! Poor Wrigley! My deepest sympathies to Stacey Ernat! That mindless, cretinous, asshole CUTLER should not have had a gun in the first place! We need to do some serious screening when it comes to ANYONE who applies for gun ownership -- as in outlawing 99.999 percent of applicants as they are obviously violent and unstable!!

  14. One reason these horrible things happen to animals is that there are not adequate laws, enforcement and punishments to deter such cruel actions. We need to lobby for serious penalties for such cruelty.

  15. How cold hearted can someone be on Christmas day????? What happened to committing to 26 acts of kindness. How incredibly awful.

  16. Hmmm...I never knew a dog that could read Trespassing Signs...Grrrr....Low life maggot!!! What goes around, comes around to bite you in the butt.....

  17. the bastard, there needs to be a law to stop the shooting of dogs, its getting out of control now.....

  18. If this was my dog this guy would not be walking this earth anymore.Feel so bad for her lose,like my Bobby a Royal Poodle he'es,my life he should be put in jail.

    Gianfranco Sorrentino


  19. If this was my dog, he would not be walking this earth anymore.Feel so bad for her my Bobby Royal Poodle he'es my life,this guy should be put in jail.

    Gianfranco Sorrentino


  20. Where does he work. They should be asked to sack him - show him the door. Lets start a petition to make that happen and present it to his employers. Dog killers can go live under a bridge and starve.



  22. Only one Cutler in Iowa, and it is him for 99%, website of his emplyer, should we write to them how outraged we are ?

  23. Every time I see my big Saint Bernard I am so happy he's alive. If someone would hurt him I'm afraid I would become a very mean witch and hurt that person back. It makes me cry to think of someone who lost her precious friend because a moron "just wanted to shoot something". Something? A dog is not a thing, it is a furry person with a character that can cheer you up, that shares your happiness and your grief. Change of laws is absolutely necessary in the USA, and also there should be a change of mind about weapons. They say: weapons don't kill, people do. But they can do it so easily because of the weapons being there! Stacey, my heart goes out to you!

  24. This guy needs to do jail time and undergo a psychiatric examination. Would he also shoot a person for trespassing on his property? If he doesn't want people or pets on his property, he needs to fence the property. The authorities need to arrest this guy before he does more damage. People who abuse animals also abuse people.

  25. These are criminals. Jail them...

  26. If the shooter did that to a dog, he WILL do it to child, that's for sure!!!

  27. Hey Colins! Good move there buddy...... does that make you feel like a man? Cause you're nobody, a coward...

  28. Collins Cutler's court appearance is on 1/17/13. I have written a letter to Sheriff Darby McLaren urging him to help facilitate punishing Cutler to the fullest extent of the law. Sheriff McLaren's phone number is 712.243.2206. The fax number of the Cass County Courthouse is 712.243.4736.

  29. Collins Cutler is going to trial on 4/9/13. He requested a jury trial & hired a lawyer. This is beyond sad & has affected me deeply even though I live over a thousand miles away from this bastard. He robbed Stacey of her best friend and also Christmases for years to come. She will always be a little sad because of what this monster did. RIP Wrigley.
