Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lion meat for sale in US restaurants!

Lion Meat for Sale in the USA.

I was appalled to learn that restaurants can legally serve lion meat and it can be sold in stores. Some brokers even advertise it as "USDA-approved," even though lions are not on the list of species regularly inspected by the USDA.

Read More/Sign Petition:

Read Article on Lion Meat in AZ

Current News:


  1. what kind of world has become? eating lion's meat? This is barbarian!

  2. I can't believe that it's legal in the USA to eat any big cat. Most are endangered species.
    Humans have a lot to answer for to their descendants for disregard for planet Earth and it's wildlife and wild places.
    It's unforgivable to destroy all the precious wild creatures and their habitat.
    Carry on regardless and before long, Planet Earth won't be worth living on.

    1. I agree with you. If there were no animals, the world would be unhealthy and also boring.

  3. I am an animal lover and animal welfare advocate. This is ANIMAL ABUSE, CRUELTY, and INHUMANE TREATMENT to these beautiful and majestic animals. This is NOT who we are and NOT what we do to our SENTINEL ANIMALS! Do we EAT our DOGS and CATS? NO! Our country is judged by how we treat our animals. We can NOT condone eating certain animals and not other animals. EATING ANIMALS IS JUST MORALLY WRONG! These animals were not placed here for us to KILL them. They are here to live free, walk free and live among us. If it has a FACE it has the same feelings we do. STOP killing our WILDLIFE! SHAME ON YOU!

  4. Do not cause or allow any species to become extinct including lions!

  5. Lions are not considered endangered yet, though they should be. That could help end this horrific legal loophole. It is not only morally and religiously (for some) wrong, but scientifically (I believe) harmful to consume carnivore meat. The U.S. is usually a leader in working to change these practices, though we fall short in many cases. It is shameful that we have such a blatant disregard in this case. NO to lion meat.

  6. what does the bible have to do with it I wonder?

  7. This is horrific! Why would this be taking place?!!! It need to be stopped ASAP..... Lions are amazing creatures. Why would we eat them? CRAZY!!!

  8. This is just plain wrong and needs to be stopped. Some people on this planet seem to view it as their personal larder to be plundered and raided at every opportunity without and care for what they are doing. Lions are endangered and this type of thing simply causes more poaching and other types of unethical actions. What happened to the simple respect for such a wonderful and great animal as the Lion. It needs to be stopped because obviously some people cannot stop themselves.

  9. A lion belongs in one place only - in the wild!

  10. Enough is enough........when will this "crap" end??????

  11. NO animal was EVER meant to be eaten. Period. End of story.

  12. Its very bad...These people r not human..

  13. comments visible after APPROVAL. nice to know why cant express ourselves with out big brother

  14. So it's getting to the stage where we can eat anything that moves. Why supply what people don't want? Why kill what people love to see alive? It's an upside down world we live in.

  15. This is pretty much how I feel about the whole situation! We *the human race* don't belong here! We certainly don't deserve anything this amazing, our forefathers have set horrible examples and we should Learn from these mistakes! How many species will go extinct for the unnecesarry preservation of one? We are a disgusting bunch of apes, worse than that even. We know better, yet we will continue on down this path ~ & btw Who the hell is raising LIONS for HUMAN CONSUMPTION??! Where is this taking place?? We should find these "farms"and save these beautiful creatures from their certain plate-fate! before it's too late!!
